Library Integration

Library Integration

This page is intended to collect a table of entries reflecting library-uPortal integration at various schools.


University of Kansas Medical Center has done some nice integration of eJournal access and other library services into uPortal.

University of Kansas and the Medical Center share an instance of Voyager that displays a list of items checked out, on hold, and fines.

Lehigh University has done some really nice work integrating uPortal (Luminus, actually) with the open source MyLibrary system developed by Eric Lease Morgan at Notre Dame.
Lehigh University Campus Portal

Yale University YaleInfo uses proxy CAS to authenticate to a Java Servlet that presents an XML feed of the user's checked out books from Voyager which we render into a Books Out channel.

Rutgers has done some initial webproxy integration which has been very well recieved. In our case, it had the significant advantage of keeping responsibility for maintainence of any library functionality on the library's end.