Installing the Application Server from Source
This section presents a condensed summary of uMobile server installation instructions. While we work on expanding this documentation, please refer to Installing uPortal for additional tips on setting environment variables, troubleshooting Tomcat, and other server installation tasks.
Installing Tomcat
For instructions on installing Tomcat and modifying it to work with uMobile, please refer to Installing Tomcat.
Building the uMobile Application Server
1. Check out the uMobile codebase from Jasig GitHub. uMobile is available under the umobile-trunk branch of the uPortal project.
2. Create and customize You will need to copy the sample file to at the root of the uMobile project.
$ cd umobile-trunk $ cp
Customize the build file by setting the server.home variable to the full path of your tomcat installation's top-level directory.
3. Start up the HSQL database and leave it running.
$ ant hsql
4. Build uMobile
$ ant initportal
Running the Server
Start up Tomcat and visit http://localhost:8080.
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