Portlet Development FAQ

Portlet Development FAQ

Child pages can be added here to answer portlet development questions.

Clustering JSR-168 Portlet Applications in Tomcat

JSR-168 Portlet applications represent a special challenge when it comes to clustering within Tomcat (or any other servlet container, for that matter). In order to effectively cluster web applications, session data must be replicated or shared between the nodes in the cluster. Otherwise, the user experiences a complete loss of context during a node failover. While Tomcat has provided session replication for quite some time, it has not supported replication of session changes resulting from a cro

Integrating Alfresco with uPortal

Alfresco offers a portlet version of their web application.  This can be

JBoss Forums Portlet

The JBoss Forums Portlet http://labs.jboss.com/portal/index.html?ctrl:id=page.default.downloads&project=portletswap&category=.portlets.collaborate can only be deployed in the JBoss Portal. There are several calls to JBoss portal specific services, which do not exist in uPortal.

Sharing uPortal's Connection Pool with Portlets on Tomat 5.5

Portlets, being their own application on Tomcat, do not inherently have access to uPortal's connection to the database.  Fortunately, however, you can move uPortal's database connection context to a global context which is visible to your portlets.  Many thanks to Chris Holdorph form UNICON for his insight, and Gregg Lagnese, MicroDeveloper, Inc. for his online Oracle JNDI reference http://www.microdeveloper.com/html/JNDI_Orcl_Tomcatp3.html.  As a note, these modifications were made on uPortal 2