Portlet Development Technologies and Frameworks
As a portlet developer, you have a wealth of development frameworks, view technologies, and build strategies. The recommendations listed below are certainly not intended to dictate these choices to developers, and you're free to chose technologies with which you are comfortable.
That said, if you're interested in adopting technologies that are in current use by other Jasig portlet developers, you may find this page useful. Developers should feel encouraged to add child pages discussing the use of specific technologies and any uPortal or portlet-specific issues.
Note: These recommendations were last updated August 2009.
Development Frameworks
Many Jasig portlets use Spring heavily use Spring technologies. Spring PortletMVC and Spring WebFlow are both in wide use both in uPortal-bundled and Jasig incubation portlets.
View Layer Technologies
Most current Jasig portlets use JSP / JSTL.
Build technologies
Other honorable mentions
- HttpClient
- Apache commons libraries