Email Resource
The Email resource as defined by the Open Registry is identified by the following URI:
Add or Update Person's Email
HTTP POST /email?sor={sorId}&identifierType={identifierType}&identifier={identifier}&affiliation={affiliation}&emailType={emailType}
- HTTP request headers:
- Content-Type: text/plain
- HTTP query string parameters:
- sor: system of record owning the person's email data
- identifierType: valid open registry person's identifier type e.g. NETID, RCPID, etc.
- identifier: valid person's identifier value of the provided identifier type e.g. tako, abc123, etc.
- affiliation: valid open registry Sor Role's affiliation e.g. STUDENT, FACULTY, etc.
- emailType: valid open registry email reference type e.g. CAMPUS, HOME, etc.
- HTTP request entity body:
- Valid email address of the person in question
- HTTP response entity body:
- Success message (in case of 200)
- Error message(s) (in any other cases)
- HTTP status codes:
- 200: the email has been successfully processed (created or updated)
- 405: an HTTP method other than POST is used
- 415: Content-Type HTTP request header other than text/plain is used
- 404: URI identifies a nonexistent person
- 400: any of the query string parameters are not provided
- 400: provided emailType or affiliation are invalid
- 400: provided email address is malformed
- 409: if there are any internal state conflicts e.g. there are no open roles for the person in question, etc.
- 401/403: the authentication/authorization fails
- 500: any other server error that occurs
Retrieve Person's Email
HTTP GET /email?sor={sorId}&identifierType={identifierType}&identifier={identifier}&affiliation={affiliation}&emailType={emailType}
- HTTP request headers:
- Accept: text/plain
- HTTP query string parameters:
- sor: system of record owning the person's email data
- identifierType: valid open registry person's identifier type e.g. NETID, RCPID, etc.
- identifier: valid person's identifier value of the provided identifier type e.g. tako, abc123, etc.
- affiliation: valid open registry Sor Role's affiliation e.g. STUDENT, FACULTY, etc.
- emailType: valid open registry email reference type e.g. CAMPUS, HOME, etc.
- HTTP response entity body:
- Person's email address string (in case of 200)
- Error message(s) (in any other cases)
- HTTP status codes:
- 200: email has been found for the provided query criteria
- 204 no email has been found for the provided query criteria
- 405: an HTTP method other than GET is used
- 404: URI identifies a nonexistent person
- 400: any of the query string parameters are not provided
- 400: provided emailType or affiliation are invalid
- 409: if there are any internal state conflicts e.g. there are no open roles for the person in question, etc.
- 401/403: the authentication/authorization fails
- 500: any other server error that occurs
Add or Update Email for All SoRs
HTTP POST /email/SoRs?emailType={emailType}&identifierType={identifierType}&identifier={identifier}
- HTTP request headers:
- Accept: text/plain
- HTTP query string parameters:
- emailType: valid open registry email reference type e.g. CAMPUS, HOME, etc.
- identifierType: valid open registry person's identifier type e.g. NETID, RCPID, etc.
- identifier: valid person's identifier value of the provided identifier type e.g. tako, abc123, etc.
- HTTP Form parameters
- emailAddress: new email address for the person identified with the identifier.
- HTTP response entity body:
- Success message (in case of 200)
- Error message(s) (in any other cases)
- HTTP status codes:
- 200: The provided email has been processed successfully.
- 405: an HTTP method other than POST is used
- 415: Content-Type HTTP request header other than text/plain is used
- 400: The request URI is malformed. Please see the documentation and construct the correct request URI.
- 400: The provided email type is invalid.
- 400: provided email address is malformed
- 404: The person cannot be found in the registry or is not attached to the provided SOR
- 409: The provided email could not be processed due to internal state conflict for this person
- 401/403: the authentication/authorization fails
- 500: any other server error that occurs