Activation Keys

Person Activation

The Person Activation resource as defined by the Open Registry is identified by the following URI:



  1. Generate a new activation key for a person:
    HTTP POST /people/{personIdType}/{personId}/activation
    • HTTP request headers:
      • NONE
    • HTTP request entity body:
      • NONE
    • HTTP response entity body:
      • empty (in case of 201)
    • HTTP status codes:
      • 201: the new activation key is successfully generated
      • 400: Invalid/missing arguments sent
      • 404: URI identifies a nonexistent person
      • 401/403: the authentication/authorization fails
      • 500: any other server error that occurs
    • HTTP response headers:
      • Location: /people/{personIdType}/{personId}/activation/{activationKey} (URI of a newly created activation processor resource in case of 201). Deployers who need to display or transmit the activation key would most likely need to parse it from the Location header.
  2. Verify an activation key:
    HTTP GET /people/{personIdType}/{personId}/activation/{activationKey}
    • HTTP response entity body:
      • empty (in case of 204)
    • HTTP status codes:
      • 204: the activation key associated with this person is valid and ready to be used (invalidated)
      • 400: Illegal arguments passed in (missing, etc.)
      • 404: URI identifies a nonexistent person or a nonexistent activation key for this person
      • 409: the activation key is not yet valid for use (the activation key usage window begin date is in the future)
      • 409: If the activation key is locked by someone else
      • 410: the activation key has expired (the activation key usage window end date is in the past)
      • 401/403: the authentication/authorization fails
      • 500: any other server error that occurs
  3. Invalidate an activation key:
    HTTP DELETE /people/{personIdType}/{personId}/activation/{activationKey}
    • HTTP response entity body:
      • empty (in case of 204)
    • HTTP status codes:
      • 204: the activation key associated with this person is successfully invalidated
      • 400: Invalid arguments passed in.
      • 404: URI identifies a nonexistent person or a nonexistent activation key for this person
      • 401/403: the authentication/authorization fails
      • 409: The key is in an illegal state (i.e. not valid)
      • 409: if the key is locked by someone else.
      • 500: any other server error that occurs