Calculated Person Resource


The Calculated Person resource as defined by the Open Registry is identified by the following URI:


Note: {personIdType} is one of identifier types defined in the system (i.e. NETID, SSN, etc.)


  1. View existing person:
    HTTP GET /people/{personIdType}/{personId}
    • HTTP request headers:
      • Accept: application/xml
    • HTTP response entity body:
      • <open-registry-person-ref> XML representation (in case of 200)
    • HTTP status codes:
      • 200: the person resource is found
      • 404: the person resource not found
      • 401/403: the authentication/authorization fails
      • 500: any other server error that occurs
  2. 'Link' existing calculated Person with SoR Person:
    HTTP POST /people/{personIdType}/{personId}
    • HTTP request headers:
      • Content-Type: application/xml
    • HTTP request entity body:
      • <open-registry-person> XML representation
    • HTTP status codes:
      • 204: the new SoR Person is successfully 'linked' with an existing calculated Person
      • 400: the person XML representation is malformed or incomplete e.g. required fields are missing
      • 409: the linking cannot be performed due to Registry's internal state invariants violation
      • 415: the request entity body is missing or is not of an appropriate media type
      • 401/403: the authentication/authorization fails
      • 500: any other server error that occurs


Request for: Link existing calculated Person with SoR Person

<open-registry-person> example representation
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<open-registry-person sor="123" sor-person-id="134" >
       <name type="FORMAL" first="Cindy" last="Simon" />

Response for: GET Person

<open-registry-person-ref> example representation
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <identifier type="RCPID">544555</identifier>
        <identifier type="NETID">MYNETID2</identifier>