Verify Activation Key


  • User
  • Database
  • OpenRegistry


  • PRE1: User is authenticated and authorized.
  • PRE2: Acceptable identifier types are configured outside the system.


  1. User provides activation key and identifier type/name (or the actual Person)
  2. If activation key exists and is currently valid, successful indicator is returned.
  3. If activation key is invalid the particular failure is indicated:
    • Not in validity date range.

Post Conditions

Business Rules

  • BR1: Verifying the key enables one to "lock" exclusive use of it for a configurable period of time (configured via system, not by user). Invalidating/Deleting the key obviously frees the lock also. New keys can still be generated, which makes the existing lock useless.


  • If User does not exist
  • If it doesn't exist
  • If someone has already "locked" the key.