Delete SoR Person


  • System
  • User
  • Database


  • PRE1: Authenticated to system.
  • PRE2: Authorized to delete a person
  • PRE3: Selected an SoR to work with.
  • PRE4: Identified SoR Record to Delete (most likely via Search for Person Use Case)


  1. User selects person to be deleted as well as indicates whether the person should have never existed (i.e. the entry was a temporary mistake). Optionally, the user can specify a termination type for roles that existed for that person before they deleted them (though this will be ignored for a temporary mistake).
    • If it was a mistake:
      1. remove all roles from calculated person that pertain to this SoR Record
      2. remove all names from calculated person that pertain to this SoR Record
      3. If this was the only SoR asserting the Calculated Person, remove the calculated person and all associated data.
    • Otherwise:
      1. update calculated roles for expiration date of (now) and termination reason (if not provided, assumed to be UNSPECIFIED)
  2. In both cases, the original SoR Person and associated data are removed.
  3. Recalculation of Calculated Person occurs
  4. Recalculation of Attributes


  1. Downstream systems are notified of change.

Business Rules

  1. All actions are audited.
