Update or Edit SoR Role
Update or Edit SoR Role
- User
- OpenRegistry
- Database
- PRE1: User is authenticated and authorized to use system.
- PRE2: User has chosen SoR to work with.
- PRE3: User has chosen a Person's role to update (most likely via Search Person Use Case, then selection of a Person's SoR role).
- PRE4: User has permissions to update a Person's SoR role.
- PRE5: Pre-defined list of Address, Email, Phone, Url Types.
- PRE6: Defined Transformation and Normalization Algorithms
- User modifies and submits changes to the person's System of Record role. The following changes are allowed:
- Modification to role start and end date.
- Changing sponsor and percent time.
- Add, delete, modify email addresses, phone numbers, addresses and urls.
- Transformations and Normalizations occur per PRE6.
- Calculated Role Re-calculated [is this a post condition] (election algorithms, etc.)
- Attribute Re-calculation
- POST1: Changes are sent to downstream systems.
Business Rules
- Roles MUST have a start date. An end date is optional.
- Roles MUST have a Role Info/Type
- Roles MUST have a Sponsor
- If the Role is TERMINATED/ENDED, then there must be a TERMINATION REASON
- The same Person may not have more than one instance of a role type.
- Changes to fields are controlled by authorization rules.
- Phone numbers MUST have an address type and phone type.
- URLs MUST have a URL type.
- Email addresses MUST have an email address type.