Kwantlen Survey Channel v0.15

The Kwantlen Survey Channel allows multiple question surveys with single and multiple selection (radio button, checkbox) questions. Survey questions may also have an optional comments field. The channel has been tested in both Luminis (III.1) and uPortal (2.1.3). Surveys may be specified by SurveyID (a specific survey will show up in the channel during a given date range) or by date (as the given date range becomes valid, the survey containing that range will show up in the channel). Users can always see the current survey results. When no surveys are available, users are able to view all past survey results. This package includes a survey editor which allows you to create, display, and delete surveys. The survey editor is written using JSPs and is designed to run on a web-container separate from the portal (e.g. Tomcat, Resin). Both the Survey Editor and the Survey Channel read and write data to an Oracle back-end database. (Database schema scripts are included.)

Aug. 13, 2004:

Updated README.TXT to include instructions for creating required table sequences:

create sequence response_seq start with 1 maxvalue 999999999 cycle;
create sequence survey_seq start with 1 maxvalue 999999999 cycle;
create sequence question_seq start with 1 maxvalue 999999999 cycle;
create sequence answers_seq start with 1 maxvalue 999999999 cycle;