When we describe Java as an object-oriented programming language, we're saying two important and distinct things:

  • Java is a language for programming computers
  • Java gives us the power of objects

The first statement tells us what we can do, the second tells us how we can do it. Put another way, the second statement tells us about the tools Java gives us to succeed at programming.

But what does it mean to succeed? You could say a software team succeeds when it delivers working software features that meet the needs of the sponsoring organization in a timely, resource-efficient manner. The more desirable features delivered by the team per unit of effort, the greater the success.

This pre-conference seminar focuses on the practices that allow software developers to achieve a greater level of success. We will look at:

  • How to leverage the type system
  • Common design patterns, and what they're really good for
  • Common anti-patterns, and how they hurt you
  • How to manage dependencies effectively
  • How to succeed when requirements constantly change
  • How to collaborate with others when your needs aren't identical
  • How to craft libraries that are actually reusable

In our profession, unfortunately, knowledge and training in these subjects is too uncommon. Large numbers of projects fail, and many compelling projects aren't even begun due to the daunting perception of the cost of developing software. Yet proven techniques for lowering costs and mitigating risks are available; we can do better.

Come learn from an industry veteran. Develop an understanding of objects that will serve you throughout your career.