IYaleCasContext is an interface which can (and should) be implemented by all SecurityContexts which seek to offer CAS ProxyTicket services to their clients.
package edu.yale.its.tp.portal.security; /** * Interface implemented by CAS security contexts. * @author andrew.petro@yale.edu * @version $Revision:$ $Date:$ */ public interface IYaleCasContext { /** Authentication type for Yale CAS authentication */ public static final int YALE_CAS_AUTHTYPE = 0x1701; /** * Get a proxy ticket for a given target. * Implementations should return null if they are have no PGTIOU by which to obtain a proxy ticket. * Implementations should throw a CASProxyTicketAcquisitionException if an error occurs during an attempt * to obtain a PGT. In particular, inability to contact the CAS server and expiration of the underlying PGT * should result in a CASProxyTicketAcquisitionException. * @param target - URL for which a proxy ticket is desired. * @return a valid proxy ticket for the target, or null. * @throws CASProxyTicketAcquisitionException - when unable to obtain Proxy Ticket. */ public String getCasServiceToken(String target) throws CASProxyTicketAcquisitionException; }