New CAS documentation site
CAS documentation has moved over to apereo.github.io/cas, starting with CAS version 4.x. The wiki will no longer be maintained. For the most recent version of the documentation, please refer to the aforementioned link.
As of May 15th, we've reorganized the Jasig CAS Client section of the wiki to make it easier to find particular clients. We've organized the clients into various groups. Those groups are detailed below. Click on the "+" symbols on the left to view the individual clients.
Official Clients
Official Clients are generally being actively developed and maintained. On the CAS Users list, you're most likely able to find someone that's used the client and can assist you with deploying it.
- .Net Cas Client
- CAS Client for Java 3.0
- CAS Client for Java 3.1
- mod_auth_cas
- phpCAS
- Spring Security (previously Acegi) as CAS Client
- shiro-cas module
Legacy Clients
Legacy Clients are the original Yale Clients, such as the Java, Apache module, PAM, and PL/SQL module. In many cases, they are no longer actively being developed, but still function quite well (i.e. the PAM module). In other cases, they've been superseded by newer clients (i.e. The Jasig CAS Client for Java and mod_auth_cas, the Apache module). You will still find many people on the CAS User Support lists who are familiar with these modules, but many have migrated to the newer code.
Incubating Clients
Incubating Clients are new clients that are under development, and which may become official clients. They're up-and-coming clients that we're paying attention to, have petitioned the Steering Committee to become official clients, and often have active members on the CAS User Support List.
Unofficial CAS Clients
This is essentially all of the clients people have let us know about, that may or may not be in active development anymore, and may solve a niche need. You should use these at your own risk. Many are excellent clients, but may no longer be supported any more. Others are purely theoretical examples of of how a client would function.
CASifying Applications
This section describes some unofficial instructions, many contributed by users, on how to CASify particular applications.
Attributes of Client Status
Attribute | Incubating | Official | Legacy | Unofficial | Deprecated* |
Active development
| |||||
Stable, well tested | |||||
Active community (deployers, etc) | |||||
Source hosted at Jasig | |||||
Superceded |
- Deprecated may apply to any of the four statuses.
indicates that it does have this attribute
indicates that it may have this attribute
indicates that it does not have this attribute.