CASifying Blackboard
CASifying Blackboard
Howto CASify Blackboard
Blackboard is a "learning management system" that includes course pages, gradebooks, test taking and much more. This guide will show you how to modify Blackboard's authentication module to use CAS.
This guide was written to supliment the original resources provided by the University of Bristol and Blackboard itself. Those resources are quite terse and at this point quite dated, and this howto hopes to address those needs.
- U of Bristol's howto
- Blackboard's "external auth" document (requires a "Behind Bb" account)
Download U of Bristol's resources
On your Bb server, download the University of Bristol's Blackboard/CAS integration package to a temporary directory. This zip file contains the necessary jar files in the "dist" subdirectory.
Updated CAS Authenticator (Based on Bristol Code)
- http://code.google.com/p/blackboard-cas/
- Here's a Github repository developed by Unicon for Blackboard that refactors the above library with a few additional changes, automates the build process to a great extent using Apache Ant. The module is optimized for BB9 and is based on the solution at #1.