2005-02-09 Yale-Rutgers Video Conf

2005-02-09 Yale-Rutgers Video Conf

11 AM - 1pm February 9, 2005

Rutgers staff: Bill, Dmitriy, Scott
Yale staff: Andy, Drew, Andrew, Howard

High level exerpt:

Releasing M1 and planning M2.


more formallity may not be needed, can do a certain amount of winging it. This Wiki can be used to formulate agendas.

Milestone 1

immediate release (wrap up a couple bugs we think are fixed but need verified)

CAS1 and CAS2 compatibility

Milestone 2

around March 9 (one month from M1).

Bug fixes.

  • test coverage
    • increased JUnit unit test coverage
    • Story for how we're going to do functional test coverage

Get the risk and complexity into this project, don't sweat the API and user experience details yet.

Extension points

  • what are the extension points

Continuous integration / automated nightly build
Maven? Cruise Control?

Specs for CAS1 and CAS2 protocols.

OpenSAML and how it can be used for the CAS3 protocol implementation? How it might be used as the CAS3 internal representation of information about authentication? (Becoming SAML addicts?)

Action items

  • Drew's testing out CAS3M1's functionality heroics go into Wiki.
  • Drew's spec document becomes enough finished that it can be shared.
  • import opensaml.jar and start looking at it

Howard's presentation of walkthroughs and thoughts

  • AuthHandlers communicate back with views to report on how authentication failed or suceeded, potentially
  • we'll need a story about how services communicate to CAS at login what kind of authentication strength they are going to require at validation (but this user experience consideration will be after M2)
  • gunk, gunk accumulators, and gunk marshallers, which may translate into OpenSAML objects, Spring WebMVC Controllers, and Spring WebMVC views, respectively.

How do we get our brains around OpenSAML

Short version: SAML oriented classes wrap DOM.
Howard to present on what SAML is, what OpenSAML is, and how one uses it effectively.