Link to Your Bedework Databases
Edit the five bedework-server-ds.xml files to connect Bedework to your database
If you have based your configuration on one of the samples, you need to edit these five configuration files:
- bwbuild/myconfig/bedework-card-ds.xml: connection information for the Bedework CardDAV data source
- bwbuild/myconfig/bedework-ds.xml: connection information for the Bedework calendar server data source
- bwbuild/myconfig/bedework-eventreg-ds.xml: connection information for the Bedework event registration system data source
- bwbuild/myconfig/bedework-synch-ds.xml: connection information for the Bedework synchronization server data source
- bwbuild/myconfig/bedework-tz-ds.xml: connection information for the Bedework timezone server data source
In each case, within the <datasource> stanza:
- edit <connection-url> to set the database host, port number, and database name.
- edit <user-name> (the database user) and <password> (the database user's password).
Add JDBC Drivers to JBoss (in most cases, done for you)
Again, if you've based your configuration on one of the samples, you should have an appropriate JDBC driver in bwbuild/myconfig/lib/server. During the build, that driver will be copied into <quickstart>/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/lib. If you'd like to update that driver, replace the one in bwbuild/myconfig/lib/server, then rebuild.
Non-standard configurations
The following steps will help you configure a non-standard / unsupported database with Bedework.
Configure Hibernate to work with your database's SQL dialect
Configuring Hibernate to use the appropriate dialect is done in bwbuild/myconfig/ You need to set a few properties
The value yourDialect is a defined Hibernate SQL dialect such as org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect or org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect. The dialect is a class defined on the class path. Hibernate defines a number of ‘standard’ dialects.
For example, the global property if using MySQL5 would be
A list of dialects understood by Hibernate can be found at:
You can also look at the org.hibernate.dialect classes in the Hibernate jar file (for example, to use MySQL 5 which is not currently listed in the on-line Hibernate documentation, use org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect ).
Bedework Enterprise Calendar, version 3.9