Copy the Configuration Directories

Copy the Configuration Directories

Copy the distributed configurations directory to your home directory

Bedework uses a configuration directory to store multiple configurations. The quickstart copy of this directory is at <quickstartDirectory>/bedework/config/bwbuild.

Copy the entire directory structure – bwbuild on down – into your home directory (/home/userid on many Unix systems and C:\Users\userid on a typical Windows system).   So, for example, the bwbuild directory in windows would live here:  C:\Users\userid\bwbuild  or here: /home/userid/bwbuild

Inside bwbuild you will find a number of example configurations in subdirectories, for example default and jboss-mysqldefault is configured to use HSQL.

Do I need to copy the whole bwbuild configuration tree?

Yes. There are hidden directories – .platform and .defaults – that must be present in your configuration directory.   After you copy the bwbuild tree, you can remove any configurations you aren't using.

Can I copy the configs outside of /home?

Yes.  You may choose to copy the bwbuild directory structure to another directory. Some prefer to keep the configuration files in the vicinity of their Bedework files.  If you do so, add -bwchome <config-directory> to your Bedework build commands.  This will become clearer as you read on.

Copy one of the configurations to create your own

Choose the sample configuration that is the best fit – bwbuild/jboss-postgresql, for example, because you plan to use postgresql – and make a copy of the entire directory tree.  You might name your copy for your organization: bwbuild/mycompany or bwbuild/myuniversity


Your configuration directory will be referred to as bwbuild/myconfig for the remainder of this documentation.

Bedework Enterprise Calendar, version 3.9