Set Calendar and Build Preferences
During a normal Bedework install, you'll configure two files prior to building the system: and cal.options.xml
Override default properties in
Inside the bwbuild/.defaults directory, next to your configuration directory, you'll find a file named bwbuild/.defaults/ is referenced during the Bedework build and during deployment. You can override any of those properties by creating a bwbuild/myconfig/ in your configuration directory and editing in the overrides. is divided into sections with different property prefixes.
Don't overwrite
When you copy properties from bwbuild/.defaults/ be sure not to overwrite Accessing your databases won't work without it!
Under Install Options, prune the org.bedework.install property
org.bedework.install defines which applications are built and deployed to jboss. For each name on the list, there should be a corresponding section prefixed with “<name>” and also a corresponding section in the options file.
Copy org.bedework.install to your override file, and remove any applications that you don't need. For example, if you're using Bedework for public events (and not for personal calendars), you can remove UserCal from the list. You probably want to remove " SoEDept", too; it's an example. When you remove an application from the list, you can also remove the corresponding stanza further down the file, but it isn't necessary. Those lines won't be referenced.
Review the Global Section of the file
The section prefixed “” defines properties global to the whole deployment process. The values set in this section work for most sites.
Review the Application Section of the file
This is where the per-application properties are set. The values set in these in this section also work for most sites.
Multiple versions of each application type may be deployed, each configured differently. You can see how this works by comparing the stanza for the "Demo departmental public Web Client" to the stanza for the "Public Web Client".
Copy, then set two run time properties in cal.options.xml
It is important to set the system run time properties for a new Bedework installation. These are found in cal.options.xml within <syspars classname="org.bedework.calfacade.BwSystem">.
- Copy the entire file bwbuild/.defaults/cal.options.xml into your configuration directory:
cp bwbuild/.defaults/cal.options.xml bwbuild/myconfg/cal.options.xml - So that your local changes will get picked up by the build, edit bwbuild/myconfig/ and change the following line:
to be: org.bedework.config.options=${env.BEDEWORK_CONFIG}/cal.options.xml
Most options in cal.options.xml can be left with the default values and some are not yet implemented. The two values it is important to set (and their default settings) are:
Set the default timezone:
Look for:
The tzid is the default timezone to be used for times and dates. To get a list of timezone ids to choose from, you can call Bedework's timezone server directly, e.g.: http://localhost:8080/tzsvr/?names
Set the system ID:
Look for:
systemid is used when generating uids for calendar entities. This name should relate to your organization for ease of identification. If you run multiple Bedework systems, use a different value for each. In addition, the systemid takes part in the creation and interpretation of calendar user addresses which appear in attendees. The part following “@” will probably be the domain to which imip messages are addressed (in some as yet undefined manner).
For example, your systemid might be "" or "".
Calendar user addresses take the form of a “mailto:” uri so that user “testuser01” on a system configured as above would have a calendar user address of
cal.options.xml contains run time properties and is divided into sections much like the file. Most of the options are used to set field values in named classes so that the application will load the settings only once with a single call. In the future, most of these options will be set through a web interface on the running system.
Note: if you plan on building multiple calendar suites, you'll need to add sections for each suite in both the and cal.options.xml files. See the section on Calendar Suites.
Bedework Enterprise Calendar, version 3.9