uPortal IRC Logs-2009-03-30

uPortal IRC Logs-2009-03-30

[23:58:32 EDT(-0400)] * lennard1 (n=sparhk@ip68-98-56-21.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined ##uportal
[00:20:47 EDT(-0400)] * Sememmon (n=Sememmon@ip70-190-32-223.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined ##uportal
[01:26:29 EDT(-0400)] * lennard1 (n=sparhk@ip68-98-56-21.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined ##uportal
[01:31:13 EDT(-0400)] * lennard1 (n=sparhk@ip68-98-56-21.ph.ph.cox.net) has left ##uportal
[01:34:46 EDT(-0400)] * jayshao (n=jayshao@ool-45731411.dyn.optonline.net) has joined ##uportal
[03:38:42 EDT(-0400)] * higmad (n=chatzill@pcit-8752.HIG.SE) has joined ##uportal
[08:05:15 EDT(-0400)] * lennard1 (n=sparhk@wsip-98-174-242-39.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined ##uportal
[08:42:58 EDT(-0400)] * dstn (n=dstn@unaffiliated/dstn) has joined ##uportal
[09:09:34 EDT(-0400)] * anastasiac (n=stasia@ has joined ##uportal
[09:53:00 EDT(-0400)] * fj4000 (n=Jacob@ has joined ##uportal
[10:13:37 EDT(-0400)] * colinclark (n=colin@ has joined ##uportal
[10:20:21 EDT(-0400)] * michelled (n=team@ has joined ##uportal
[10:45:05 EDT(-0400)] * [jlee] (n=jlee@adsl-074-184-125-241.sip.asm.bellsouth.net) has joined ##uportal
[11:31:21 EDT(-0400)] * holdorph (n=holdorph@wsip-98-174-242-39.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined ##uportal
[11:44:25 EDT(-0400)] * EricDalquist (n=EricDalq@adsl-76-208-69-153.dsl.mdsnwi.sbcglobal.net) has joined ##uportal
[11:44:39 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> hello
[11:48:50 EDT(-0400)] * awills (n=awills@wsip-98-174-242-39.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined ##uportal
[12:07:27 EDT(-0400)] * apetro (n=apetro@wsip-98-174-242-39.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined ##uportal
[12:19:23 EDT(-0400)] <awills> thamks for the reply eric
[12:19:29 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> yup
[12:19:29 EDT(-0400)] <awills> er, thanks*
[12:19:40 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> I need to get around to finishing the 2.x export releases
[12:20:00 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> I guess we'll just do them as-is and document the DLM features that won't currenlty export?
[12:20:21 EDT(-0400)] <awills> i'm trying to get a call in w/ Yale today to make sure we have general agreement
[12:20:40 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> so this is a solution for them that is driving it?
[12:20:41 EDT(-0400)] <awills> yeah documenting the current gaps sounds like the best plan
[12:20:56 EDT(-0400)] <awills> yeah they're the ones driving it
[12:21:11 EDT(-0400)] <awills> well, they need it and I'm on the hook (wink)
[12:21:47 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> ok
[12:21:50 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> well thats good to know
[12:22:07 EDT(-0400)] <awills> if we all agree, i can say I've got 95% or more of this week to work on it, additional time in the coming weeks
[12:22:16 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> do you think it would be a good idea then to hold off on the 2.x export releases until you get things working there?
[12:22:38 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> Whatever works for them would likely be very close to what we needed to help close the gap for the 2.x export releases
[12:23:00 EDT(-0400)] <awills> not really, b/c we don't (yet) need 2.x exports that only import to 3.2
[12:23:13 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> hrm
[12:23:32 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> perhaps we should talk about if the new import features could be added to 3.1.x as well
[12:23:49 EDT(-0400)] <awills> yes that's fine, i figured you'd ask about that
[12:24:22 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> do you know (and can you share) your timeline for the work?
[12:24:33 EDT(-0400)] <awills> if you want to do a teleconference at some point i can
[12:25:00 EDT(-0400)] <awills> whatever solution we choose, my goal is to have a working prototype by Monday morning
[12:25:09 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> oh wow, great
[12:25:26 EDT(-0400)] <awills> if it needs a bit of additional troubleshooting or tweeking, that would be ok
[12:25:37 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> well I think at this point we'll wait on what you come up with and then we can continue the dev list thread and see how folks feel about where to include it?
[12:25:45 EDT(-0400)] <awills> yeah i can do it, i think, as long as I can go full-guns this week
[12:25:55 EDT(-0400)] <awills> yeah that makes sense
[12:26:07 EDT(-0400)] <awills> se where we get to first, then make a determination
[12:26:48 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> yup
[12:26:56 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> it will just depend on the scope of the changes
[12:27:18 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> I'd love to have a better 2.x to 3.1 upgrade story in the next few weeks
[12:28:42 EDT(-0400)] <awills> this retooling nails a lot of loose ends (wink)
[12:28:49 EDT(-0400)] * Arvids (n=arvids@ has joined ##uportal
[12:28:51 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> yeah
[12:31:03 EDT(-0400)] <Arvids> hi! I just noticed a TODO on http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/UPM31/Home...
[12:31:16 EDT(-0400)] <Arvids> I have one more suggestion - i18n manual
[12:32:33 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> brb ... need to go do some cat care
[12:44:37 EDT(-0400)] * apetro_ (n=apetro@wsip-98-174-242-39.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined ##uportal
[13:01:13 EDT(-0400)] * lennard1 (n=sparhk@wsip-98-174-242-39.ph.ph.cox.net) has left ##uportal
[13:01:31 EDT(-0400)] * Sememmon (n=Sememmon@wsip-98-174-242-39.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined ##uportal
[13:01:51 EDT(-0400)] * lennard1 (n=sparhk@wsip-98-174-242-39.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined ##uportal
[14:11:22 EDT(-0400)] * Arvids (n=arvids@ has left ##uportal
[14:12:24 EDT(-0400)] * athena (n=athena@dhcp128036158022.central.yale.edu) has joined ##uportal
[15:16:25 EDT(-0400)] * apetro (n=apetro@wsip-98-174-242-39.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined ##uportal
[15:16:25 EDT(-0400)] * EricDalquist (n=EricDalq@adsl-76-208-69-153.dsl.mdsnwi.sbcglobal.net) has joined ##uportal
[15:16:25 EDT(-0400)] * holdorph (n=holdorph@wsip-98-174-242-39.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined ##uportal
[15:18:04 EDT(-0400)] * fj4000 (n=Jacob@ has joined ##uportal
[16:25:07 EDT(-0400)] * invisibill (i=80876350@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-c32eb0b055dda142) has joined ##uportal
[16:29:47 EDT(-0400)] <invisibill> Greetings uPortal devs: I'm working with the Gateway SSO portlet and am getting an initialization error: http://uportal.pastebin.com/m1172cb45 . The gateway-portlet.xml is placed in the same spot as the example but doesn't load.
[16:31:06 EDT(-0400)] <invisibill> since the URL is null the exception is thrown on this line "String configUrlStr = configUrl.toString();"
[16:32:09 EDT(-0400)] <invisibill> I could try moving the gateway-portlet.xml file outside of WEB-INF but I'm thinking that is much less secure.
[16:32:47 EDT(-0400)] <invisibill> has anyone else here run into this issue?
[16:33:14 EDT(-0400)] * apetro- (n=apetro@wsip-98-174-242-39.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined ##uportal
[16:34:06 EDT(-0400)] <invisibill> its like dom4j is having trouble grabbing the file from its current location.
[16:36:51 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> sorry invisibill I've never used the toro portlets
[16:38:06 EDT(-0400)] <invisibill> np EricDalquist. Do you suggest I post this to portlets-dev? I also have access to some support hours.
[16:38:28 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> I'd probably try portlet-user first
[16:38:29 EDT(-0400)] <holdorph> isn't there a toro mailing thing associated with the google code project?
[16:39:23 EDT(-0400)] <holdorph> portlet-user would probably be ok too. but i'm not sure if all the toro users are on that list, it was created after the toro googlecode project was
[16:40:54 EDT(-0400)] <invisibill> thanks. it looks like there is also a low traffic forum post http://groups.google.com/group/toro-projects?pli=1
[16:50:20 EDT(-0400)] * colinclark (n=colin@bas2-toronto09-1176131209.dsl.bell.ca) has joined ##uportal
[16:56:11 EDT(-0400)] * athena (n=athena@ has joined ##uportal
[17:09:06 EDT(-0400)] * EricDalquist is trying to wrap his head around the existing support for 'detached' channels
[17:10:10 EDT(-0400)] <athena> does it still completely work?
[17:10:18 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> not sure
[17:10:21 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> going to find out though
[17:10:31 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> we have a requirement for a detached window state
[17:10:54 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> so no portal UI other than the html/head/css/js elements
[17:11:00 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> everything in the body is the portlet
[17:14:39 EDT(-0400)] <athena> ah, interesting
[17:14:56 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> I think that was pretty close to what detached used to do
[17:15:01 EDT(-0400)] <athena> yeah i think so
[17:15:14 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> the crappy thing is the way the rendering pipeline is written
[17:15:20 EDT(-0400)] <athena> i just have this feeling that there was some issue w/ it
[17:15:27 EDT(-0400)] <athena> but i can't remember why
[17:15:43 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> if you had multiple detached portlets open + the portal there is a single shared syncronized block around the rendering
[17:15:58 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> multiple requests in different windows would be handled serially
[17:17:18 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> I also need to figure out what the URL syntax looked like (tongue)
[17:23:35 EDT(-0400)] <athena> maybe that was it
[17:23:54 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> though there is this old ChannelServlet code
[17:24:04 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> I guess I'll have to dig into it and find out (smile)
[17:29:31 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> it looks like even the 3.1 XSL includes detached support
[17:30:40 EDT(-0400)] * lennard1 (n=sparhk@wsip-98-174-242-39.ph.ph.cox.net) has left ##uportal
[17:30:41 EDT(-0400)] <athena> yay
[17:30:51 EDT(-0400)] <athena> just commented out?
[17:32:10 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> looks like it should function even
[17:35:28 EDT(-0400)] <athena> awesome
[17:35:51 EDT(-0400)] <athena> very glad to hear that
[17:36:02 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> well now I just need to figure out the URL
[17:36:04 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> so I can test it
[17:38:53 EDT(-0400)] <athena> gotcha
[17:55:36 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> so detached works in 3.1
[17:55:37 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> http://localhost:8080/portal/render.u11l1n9.uP
[17:55:49 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> not all that pretty
[17:55:51 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> but it works
[18:12:31 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> hrm ... adding detached may be trivial
[18:12:34 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> finding out now ...
[18:20:44 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> well, it mostly works
[18:20:55 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> just have to has out the details of keeping the portlet window state and portal window state in sync
[18:22:04 EDT(-0400)] * anastasiac (n=stasia@ has left ##uportal
[18:35:57 EDT(-0400)] * lennard1 (n=sparhk@ip68-98-56-21.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined ##uportal
[20:03:02 EDT(-0400)] * athena (n=athena@ has joined ##uportal
[20:10:31 EDT(-0400)] * EricDalquist (n=EricDalq@adsl-76-208-69-153.dsl.mdsnwi.sbcglobal.net) has joined ##uportal
[20:17:11 EDT(-0400)] * apetro-_ (n=apetro@wsip-98-174-242-39.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined ##uportal
[21:08:32 EDT(-0400)] * EricDalquist (n=EricDalq@adsl-76-208-69-153.dsl.mdsnwi.sbcglobal.net) has joined ##uportal
[23:02:49 EDT(-0400)] * apetro (n=apetro@ip68-3-207-51.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined ##uportal