Meeting 10 : 21 August 2014

Meeting 10 : 21 August 2014

Where: Calliflower --> Moved to Hangout.

When: 11am US Eastern

Who: Dave (Oakland) and Andrew (Oakland) and Andrew Petro (UW-Madison)


  • Oakland shared updated iOS client code on GitHub.  Awesome.
  • Discussion of cleaning up JIRA to reflect reality.  Thought that the best move is probably to archive and retire uMobile usage of JIRA in favor of simpler issue and milestone tracking closer to the code in the GitHub repos.
  • Discussion of Confluence / web page / documentation.  Thought that the best move is to participate in Apereo website redesign process re public-facing marketing flavored stuff via apereo.org/umobile , document the products in the GitHub repositories right in the branches with the code so that product documentation is naturally versioned with the product it documents, and clean up Confluence, using Confluence for documentation that is neither the big picture high level marketing flavored stuff that belongs on apereo.org nor is the documentation about the product that changes with and is versioned with the product.  (So, things like notes from meetings go in Confluence).
  • Discussion of uMobile and uPortal alignment, uPortal web-based UIs getting more responsive and better on mobile browsers and so ever more suitable for embed / link from uMobile native apps.
  • Discussion of uMobile and uPortal alignment: building JSON microservices so that better HTML UIs can consume those services to provide better experiences in desktop and mobile browsers, and also uMobile native apps can consume those same services to feed quality native UIs.