CMS Integration Channel



A channel to allow selection and inclusion of content generated and maintained by an external CMS system


Portal Administrators, Content Administrators


General Channels



Interested Parties

John Feriera (Cornell), Jason Jason, Cris Holdorph, Tom Tom, Elliot Metsger (JHU), Ryan Shelley (CSUN), Howard Kim (UCLA), Gaston Gonzalez (UCR), Katya Sadovsky (UC Irvine), Natalie Godfrey (UC Irvine), PatrickB, Robert Robert (U Hull), Lennard Fuller (Deactivated)

Resources Available


A channel/portlet that allows users to select content from an external CMS to include within a uPortal install. Some kind of interface which allows selection of content, partnered with the ability to display content from the CMS, and possibly build navigation to allow navigation within a tree, etc.

This is NOT envisioned as connecting to specialized systems like LMS, VLE, etc - more of a way to get structured, static content into a portal instance.


  • lots of interest
  • first steps probably involve surveying which CMS's are in common use, and what if any remote APIs they may have for content
  • Could use to pull Confluence content into clearinghouse for instance
  • users & permissions

Possible Integration Candidates

JSR 170 Compatible

  • Jackrabbit
  • Alfresco
    • Also offers an open source JSR 168 portlet.  With a small number of modifications to the war this portlet can be deployed and published into uPortal 2.5.3 successfully.
  • eXo (yes, they have a JSR 170 implementation as well as a portal)
  • jeceira (project does not seem to be very active)


  • GAPS compatible?
  • JA-SIG product


Confluence & Other Wikis

  • used by clearinghouse
  • Web Services / remote SOAP/JAX-RPC apis
  • Better/Alternative RSS support


  • lots of people seem to have installations


  • Movabletype, Wordpress, Blogger, etc.

Atom Support

  • IETF proposed standard (RFC4287)
  • Syndication Format
  • Publish/Author Format
