
uPortal administrators should be able to:

  • import a single channel from a configuration file into a live uPortal via the Channel Management GUI
  • batch import channels from a .zip of such configuration files into a live uPortal via the Channel Managemnt GUI
  • export a single channel to a configuration file via the Channel Management GUI
  • batch-export multiple or even all channels via the Channel Management GUI

A uPortal build or deployment script should be able to:

  • import a single channel from a configuration file
  • batch import channel configurations

"Channel configuration" means information sufficient to fully provision the channel into the portal.

This requirement relates to .car files:

uPortal administrators should be able to:

  • import a single .car file into a live uPortal via the ChannelManager GUI
  • export a channel to a .car file via the ChannelManager GUI

These features would ease upgrading and potentially packaging channels for sharing across uP deployments.