Show/Hide Toggle on Sidebar
Show/Hide Toggle on Sidebar
Step 1: Edit universality.xsl to enable
To activate this feature:
- go to universality.xsl at uPortal-4.x/uportal-war/src/main/resources/layout/theme/universality/universality.xsl
- set USE_SIDEBAR_TOGGLE and SIDEBAR_TOGGLE_INIT variables to true to activate the feature (only available for authenticated users, but could be modified to be available for guest user - see in columns.xsl for that).
USE_SIDEBAR_TOGGLE - Sets the use of the up-sidebar-improved.js to enable authenticated users to show or hide the sidebar and sidebar elements.
SIDEBAR_TOGGLE_INIT - Sets the sidebar state as shown or hidden at the user connection, values are 'opened' or 'closed'.
Also see file, up-sidebar-improved.js (located at uPortal-4.x/uportal-war/src/main/webapp/media/skins/universality/common/javascript/uportal/up-sidebar-improved.js) to set the sessionID if it isn't named as JSESSIONID, it's useful to save user preferences of hidden elements in the sidebar during navigation, but could work without it if you don't care of saving user preferences between each pages.
Step 2: Rebuild/Redeploy uPortal
ant clean deploy-war
Step 3: Restart Tomcat
Restart your servlet container to activate the change