Getting Started - How to...

Getting Started - How to...

How to ...

Note about fragment-definitions and fragment-layouts in uPortal 4.1

Since uPortal 4.1 supports both Respondr AND universality/mUniversality, and there will be users coming up from uPortal 4.0 that have existing layout files that uPortal 4.1 will need to support, we needed to retain the existing file names but insure Respondr-specific layouts do not mess up sites that use Universality. Also as a convenience to the developers, we want to be able to have both layouts present and be able to flip from one theme to another without having to rebuild, redeploy, or alter data.

Our convention in naming for fragment-definition and fragment-layout files in the quick-start data: *respondr* means the file applies only to Respondr

So for example in the quick-start data:

UserApplied fragment-layoutsDescription
guestall-loApplies to everyone (guest and authenticated users) for both Respondr, Universality, and mUniversality
 respondr-loApplies to everyone (except tenants that have their tenant-specific skin) if the Respondr theme is the one being used
 guest-loApplies to all guests for both Respondr, Universality, and mUniversality
 guest.respondr.loApplies to all guests if the Respondr theme is the one being used
authenticated userall-loApplies to everyone (guest and authenticated users) for both Respondr, Universality, and mUniversality
 respondr-loApplies to everyone (except tenants that have their tenant-specific skin) if the Respondr theme is the one being used
 authenticated-loApplies to all authenticated users for both Respondr, Universality, and mUniversality
 authenticated.respondr.loApplies to all authenticated users if the Respondr theme is the one being used