LDAP User Attribute Sources

LDAP User Attribute Sources

uPortal is capable of retrieving user attributes from an LDAP source. To configure this behavior, you'll need to do the following.

uPortal 3.1 introduces a new configuration which is different from all previous versions. You will NOT be able to copy and paste your previous configuration from any earlier version of uPortal.

Step 1. Configure the ldap context in uportal-impl/src/main/resources/properties/contexts/ldapContext.xml

  <bean id="defaultLdapContext" class="org.springframework.ldap.core.support.LdapContextSource">
    <property name="url" value="ldap://ldap.myuniv.edu:389"/>
    <property name="pooled" value="false"/>
    <property name="userName" value=""/>
    <property name="password" value=""/>

Note the absence of the "baseDN" property in this bean. You will configure it later.

If you are configuring your LDAP context to connect to an AD server, you may need to add the following properties to the bean definition:

 <property name="baseEnvironmentProperties">
        <entry key="java.naming.referral">

Step 2. Add an LDAP Attribute source to uportal-impl/src/main/resources/properties/contexts/personDirectoryContext.xml

  • Edit the cachingMergedPersonAttributeDao bean definition to add uPortalLdapAttributeSource under personAttributeDaos:
    <bean id="cachingMergedPersonAttributeDao" class="org.jasig.services.persondir.support.CachingPersonAttributeDaoImpl">
            <property name="usernameAttributeProvider" ref="usernameAttributeProvider" />
            <property name="cacheNullResults" value="true" />
            <property name="userInfoCache">
            <property name="cacheKeyGenerator" ref="userAttributeCacheKeyGenerator" />
            <property name="cachedPersonAttributesDao" >
                <bean class="org.jasig.services.persondir.support.MergingPersonAttributeDaoImpl">
                    <property name="usernameAttributeProvider" ref="usernameAttributeProvider" />
                    <property name="merger">
                    <property name="personAttributeDaos">
                            // add the line below
                            <ref bean="uPortalLdapAttributeSource"/>
                            <ref bean="cachinguPortalJdbcAttributeSource"/>
                            <ref bean="cachinguPortalJdbcUserSource"/>
  • Next, add the LDAP attribute source bean definition to the same file. This is where you put your baseDN.
    <bean id="uPortalLdapAttributeSource" class="org.jasig.services.persondir.support.ldap.LdapPersonAttributeDao">
    		<property name="contextSource" ref="defaultLdapContext" />
                    <property name="baseDN" value="ou=department,o=university,c=edu" />
                    <property name="queryAttributeMapping">
                            <entry key="username" value="uid"/>
                    <property name="resultAttributeMapping">
                            <entry key="eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation">
                            <entry key="eduPersonAffiliation">
                            <entry key="eduPersonNickname">
                            <entry key="eduPersonOrgDN">
                            <entry key="eduPersonOrgUnitDN">
                            <entry key="eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation">
                            <entry key="eduPersonPrincipalName">
                            <entry key="c">
                            <entry key="cn">
                            <entry key="description">
                            <entry key="displayName">
                            <entry key="facsimileTelephoneNumber">
                            <entry key="givenName">
                            <entry key="homePhone">
                            <entry key="homePostalAddress">
                            <entry key="initials">
                            <entry key="jpegPhoto">
                            <entry key="l">
                            <entry key="labeledURI">
                            <entry key="mail">
                            <entry key="mobile">
                            <entry key="o">
                            <entry key="ou">
                            <entry key="pager">
                            <entry key="postalAddress">
                            <entry key="postalCode">
                            <entry key="postOfficeBox">
                            <entry key="preferredLanguage">
                            <entry key="seeAlso">
                            <entry key="sn">
                            <entry key="st">
                            <entry key="street">
                            <entry key="telephoneNumber">
                            <entry key="uid">
                            <entry key="userCertificate">
                            <entry key="userSMIMECertificate">
  • You may need to update the available attributes and query to match your server. Connections to Active Directory servers will most likely use a query of "(sAMAccountName={0})".

Step 3. Build and deploy the modifications

From the root of your uPortal source:

ant clean deploy-ear

Step 4: Restart uPortal

Restart your tomcat server after deploying your modifications

Additional References

uPortal mailing list Q&A related topic
     Q. Is there a way to use an attribute returned from an LdapPersonAttributeDao as the matching value for a SingleRowJdbcPersonAttributeDao?
     A. It does support this. Swap out the MergingPersonAttributeDao with the CascadingPersonAttributeDao and the results of child bean A get added to the query map for the next bean in the list.
         There are several examples here: https://mywebspace.wisc.edu/dalquist/web/JA-SIG/UWExamples/personDirectoryContext.xml

Having problems with these instructions?

Please send us feedback at uportal-user@lists.ja-sig.org