03 MySQL Configuration
MySQL is a free, open source database, available for download at http://dev.mysql.com/ (more information can also be found at http://www.mysql.com) - also at this address, the JDBC driver for MySQL, Connector/J, can be downloaded. The Generally Available (GA) release is usually what is desired - it is best to use this instead of the Beta versions. For information on how to create a database in MySQL or create the tables, you will need to refer to the documentation that came with the version of MySQL you have decided to use. There are links to MySQL documentation as well on the above site.
Below are the steps required to integrate MySQL with uPortal
MySQL Configuration
Table Type
uPortal relies on database transactional support, which in MySQL is dependent upon the underlying storage engine (per-table). The default (MyISAM) is not transaction safe. The most common transactional table type on MySQL is InnoDB. You configure InnoDB as the default:
[mysqld] default-storage-engine=innodb
Alternatively you can change already-created MyISAM tables to Innodb tables with an ALTER TABLE statement - see the documentation for the exact syntax. Or, you can drop all your tables and re-create them with "TYPE=InnoDB" on your CREATE TABLE statements. If you're not sure about using TST (Transaction Safe Tables), do some reading on the MySQL site (http://www.mysql.com) about some of the companies and organizations that are currently using them - for instance, Slashdot.org uses MySQL InnoDB tables to handle their more than 100,000 hits per week.
MySQL table names are case-sensitive depending on the filesystem of the server. e.g. insensitive on Windows & Mac HFS+, Case sensitive on Unix. The SQL used in uPortal may not always be in the same case so the following must be set.
[mysqld] lower_case_table_names=1
If you have already created your database, and plan to change the lower_case_table_names
system variable to 1 on Unix, you must first convert your old database and table names to lowercase before restarting mysqld with the new variable setting.
PRIMARY, UNIQUE and INDEX are added to the tables during initialization.
Performance tuning
You may get much better performance by enabling the MySQL query cache.
You can also set all of the memory, table, and connection limits as well as a host of other options.
# Example settings used for uPortal at Manchester max_connections = 1500 table_cache = 512 query_cache_size = 128M set-variable = innodb_buffer_pool_size=128M set-variable = innodb_log_file_size=256M set-variable = innodb_additional_mem_pool_size=20M set-variable = innodb_log_buffer_size=4M innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=1
uPortal Configuration
Before using MySQL with uPortal, several uPortal properties files need to be altered for MySQL. These include:
JAR Configuration
The first step is to determine the correct information to use in the pom. Using a Maven Artifact Search Site and searching for "mysql" we find the following Maven dependency declaration here.
<dependency> <groupId>mysql</groupId> <artifactId>mysql-connector-java</artifactId> <version>5.1.6</version> </dependency>
Opening /uPortal/pom.xml there is a section about 90 lines down that reads:
<!-- The JDBC Driver used by uPortal --> <jdbc.groupId>mysql</jdbc.groupId> <jdbc.artifactId>mysql-connector-java</jdbc.artifactId> <jdbc.version>5.1.6</jdbc.version>
JDBC Configuration
Edit /uPortal/uportal-impl/src/main/resources/properties/rdbm.properties and add the lines for MySQL. Modify the URL, username and password as appropriate:
##### MySQL - example hibernate.connection.driver_class=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver hibernate.connection.url=jdbc:mysql://my.school.edu:3306/portal hibernate.connection.username=test hibernate.connection.password=mypass hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect
The /uPortal/uportal-impl/src/main/resources/properties/contexts/personDirectoryContext.xml properties file will also need to be modified.
Deadlock troubleshooting
One thing that will most likely come up in working with uPortal and MySQL (or any database for that matter) is the issue of deadlocks - when a record is needed to be accessed by two different queries at the same time. The MySQL site has an EXCELLENT chapter on dealing with these. Overall, the on-line reference guide for MySQL is an EXCELLENT resource.
Download driver / connector; http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/5.0.html
Testing The Configuration
Start MySQL and then in your portal development directory, issue the command:
ant dbtest
If it works correctly you should see something like
Buildfile: build.xml dbtest: install-parent-pom: [artifact:install] [INFO] Installing /tmp/uP3/pom.xml to /root/.m2/repository/org/jasig/portal/uportal-parent/3.0.0-RC3/uportal-parent-3.0.0-RC3.pom [touch] Creating /tmp/uportal-parent.pom-1809577408-marker [artifact:dependencies] Downloading: javax/mail/mail/1.4.1/mail-1.4.1.pom from jasig-repository [artifact:dependencies] Downloading: javax/mail/mail/1.4.1/mail-1.4.1.pom from central [artifact:dependencies] Downloading: javax/script/script-api/1.0/script-api-1.0.pom from jasig-repository [artifact:dependencies] Downloading: javax/script/script-api/1.0/script-api-1.0.pom from central [artifact:dependencies] Downloading: groovy/groovy-all/1.0/groovy-all-1.0.pom from jasig-repository [artifact:dependencies] Downloading: groovy/groovy-all/1.0/groovy-all-1.0.pom from central [artifact:dependencies] Downloading: javax/script/groovy-engine/1.0/groovy-engine-1.0.pom from jasig-repository [artifact:dependencies] Downloading: javax/script/groovy-engine/1.0/groovy-engine-1.0.pom from central [echo] Artifact '/tmp/uP3/uportal-impl/target/uportal-impl-3.0.0-RC3.jar' is up-to-date [artifact:install] [INFO] Installing /tmp/uP3/uportal-impl/target/uportal-impl-3.0.0-RC3.jar to /root/.m2/repository/org/jasig/portal/uportal-impl/3.0.0-RC3/uportal-impl-3.0.0-RC3.jar [echo] Invoking DbTest [java] INFO [main] spring.PortalApplicationContextLocator Apr/07 22:59:03.595 - Creating new lazily initialized GenericApplicationContext for the portal [java] INFO [main] jpa.HibernateJpaVendorAdapter Apr/07 22:59:06.572 - Setting CacheProvider 'org.jasig.portal.utils.cache.hibernate.EhCacheProvider@be41ec' on ThreadLocal [java] AbandonedObjectPool is used (org.apache.commons.dbcp.AbandonedObjectPool@9b1670) [java] LogAbandoned: true [java] RemoveAbandoned: true [java] RemoveAbandonedTimeout: 300 [java] INFO [main] jndi.DisposableMemoryContextFactory Apr/07 22:59:09.184 - Created new MemoryContext with environment '{java.naming.factory.url.pkgs=tyrex.naming, java.naming.provider.url=, java.naming.factory.initial=org.jasig.portal.jndi.DisposableMemoryContextFactory}' [java] INFO [main] properties.PropertiesManager Apr/07 22:59:09.210 - Property [org.jasig.portal.car.CarResources.directory] was requested but not found. [java] INFO [main] car.CarResources Apr/07 22:59:09.211 - CAR directory property 'org.jasig.portal.car.CarResources.directory' not specified. Defaulting to well-known directory '/WEB-INF/cars'. [java] INFO [main] jndi.JndiManagerImpl Apr/07 22:59:09.236 - Initialized portal JNDI context [java] INFO [main] spring.PortalApplicationContextLocator Apr/07 22:59:09.297 - Created new lazily initialized GenericApplicationContext for the portal in 5701ms [java] Parsing jar:file:/tmp/uP3/uportal-impl/target/uportal-impl-3.0.0-RC3.jar!/properties/db/dbloader.xml... [java] WARN [main] rdbm.DatabaseMetaDataImpl Apr/07 22:59:09.489 - The uPortal database is not initialized, the database tests will not be performed. [java] INFO [main] rdbm.DatabaseMetaDataImpl Apr/07 22:59:09.491 - MySQL (5.0.32-Debian_7etch5-log) / MySQL-AB JDBC Driver (mysql-connector-java-5.1.6 ( Revision: ${svn.Revision} )) database/driver [java] Connected To: jdbc:mysql://meonis.mc.man.ac.uk/beta_uportal [java] WARNING: uPortal tables do no exist, not all meta-data tests were executed. [java] Database name: 'MySQL' [java] Database version: '5.0.32-Debian_7etch5-log' [java] Driver name: 'MySQL-AB JDBC Driver' [java] Driver version: 'mysql-connector-java-5.1.6 ( Revision: ${svn.Revision} )' [java] Driver class: 'MySQL-AB JDBC Driver' [java] Connection URL: 'jdbc:mysql://localhost/uportal' [java] User: 'uportal_web@localhost' [java] Type Mappings: [Type[genericType=LONGVARCHAR,local=TEXT]] [java] supportsANSI92EntryLevelSQL: true [java] supportsANSI92FullSQL: false [java] supportsCoreSQLGrammar: true [java] supportsExtendedSQLGrammar: false [java] supportsTransactions: true [java] supportsMultipleTransactions: true [java] supportsOpenCursorsAcrossCommit: false [java] supportsOpenCursorsAcrossRollback: false [java] supportsOpenStatementsAcrossCommit: false [java] supportsOpenStatementsAcrossRollback: false [java] supportsStoredProcedures: true [java] supportsOuterJoins: true [java] supportsFullOuterJoins: false [java] supportsLimitedOuterJoins: true [java] supportsBatchUpdates: true [java] supportsColumnAliasing: true [java] supportsExpressionsInOrderBy: true [java] supportsOrderByUnrelated: false [java] supportsPositionedDelete: false [java] supportsSelectForUpdate: true [java] supportsUnion: true [java] supportsUnionAll: true [java] getMaxColumnNameLength: 64 [java] getMaxColumnsInIndex: 16 [java] getMaxColumnsInOrderBy: 64 [java] getMaxColumnsInSelect: 256 [java] getMaxColumnsInTable: 512 [java] getMaxConnections: 0 [java] getMaxCursorNameLength: 64 [java] getMaxIndexLength: 256 [java] getMaxRowSize: 2147483639 [java] getMaxStatements: 0 [java] getMaxTableNameLength: 64 [java] getMaxTablesInSelect: 256 [java] getMaxUserNameLength: 16 [java] getSearchStringEscape: \ [java] getStringFunctions: ASCII,BIN,BIT_LENGTH,CHAR,CHARACTER_LENGTH,CHAR_LENGTH,CONCAT,CONCAT_WS,CONV,ELT,EXPORT_SET,FIELD,FIND_IN_SET,HEX,INSERT,INSTR,LCASE,LEFT,LENGTH,LOAD_FILE,LOCATE,LOCATE,LOWER,LPAD,LTRIM,MAKE_SET,MATCH,MID,OCT,OCTET_LENGTH,ORD,POSITION,QUOTE,REPEAT,REPLACE,REVERSE,RIGHT,RPAD,RTRIM,SOUNDEX,SPACE,STRCMP,SUBSTRING,SUBSTRING,SUBSTRING,SUBSTRING,SUBSTRING_INDEX,TRIM,UCASE,UPPER [java] getSystemFunctions: DATABASE,USER,SYSTEM_USER,SESSION_USER,PASSWORD,ENCRYPT,LAST_INSERT_ID,VERSION [java] getTimeDateFunctions: DAYOFWEEK,WEEKDAY,DAYOFMONTH,DAYOFYEAR,MONTH,DAYNAME,MONTHNAME,QUARTER,WEEK,YEAR,HOUR,MINUTE,SECOND,PERIOD_ADD,PERIOD_DIFF,TO_DAYS,FROM_DAYS,DATE_FORMAT,TIME_FORMAT,CURDATE,CURRENT_DATE,CURTIME,CURRENT_TIME,NOW,SYSDATE,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,UNIX_TIMESTAMP,FROM_UNIXTIME,SEC_TO_TIME,TIME_TO_SEC [java] Table Types: TABLE,VIEW,LOCAL TEMPORARY [java] SQL Types: BIT,BOOL,TINYINT,TINYINT UNSIGNED,BIGINT,BIGINT UNSIGNED,LONG VARBINARY,MEDIUMBLOB,LONGBLOB,BLOB,TINYBLOB,VARBINARY,BINARY,LONG VARCHAR,MEDIUMTEXT,LONGTEXT,TEXT,TINYTEXT,CHAR,NUMERIC,DECIMAL,INTEGER,INTEGER UNSIGNED,INT,INT UNSIGNED,MEDIUMINT,MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED,SMALLINT,SMALLINT UNSIGNED,FLOAT,DOUBLE,DOUBLE PRECISION,REAL,VARCHAR,ENUM,SET,DATE,TIME,DATETIME,TIMESTAMP BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 13 seconds
Verify the values on the Database name, Database version, Driver name, Driver version match those entered in dbloader.xml exactly.