uPortal IRC Logs-2008-02-04

uPortal IRC Logs-2008-02-04

[08:31:42 EST(-0500)] * jayshao (n=jayshao@jayshao.oirt.rutgers.edu) has joined ##uportal
[09:04:15 EST(-0500)] * anastasiac (n=chatzill@ has joined ##uportal
[09:47:46 EST(-0500)] * clown (n=clown@guiseppi.atrc.utoronto.ca) has joined ##uportal
[09:58:44 EST(-0500)] * EricDalquist (n=dalquist@bohemia.doit.wisc.edu) has joined ##uportal
[10:08:15 EST(-0500)] * esm (n=esm@asdf.dkc.jhu.edu) has joined ##uportal
[10:10:14 EST(-0500)] * jayshao_ (n=jayshao@wg-198-hill012.rutgers.edu) has joined ##uportal
[10:37:23 EST(-0500)] * colinclark (n=colin@ has joined ##uportal
[10:38:03 EST(-0500)] * anastasiac (n=chatzill@ has left ##uportal
[10:38:38 EST(-0500)] * clown (n=clown@guiseppi.atrc.utoronto.ca) has left ##uportal
[10:40:23 EST(-0500)] * michelled (n=team@ has left ##uportal
[10:40:28 EST(-0500)] * clown (n=clown@ has joined ##uportal
[10:41:08 EST(-0500)] * athena7 (n=athena7@lumina.its.yale.edu) has joined ##uportal
[10:41:14 EST(-0500)] * michelled (n=michelle@ has joined ##uportal
[10:55:44 EST(-0500)] * anastasiac (n=chatzill@ has joined ##uportal
[12:00:11 EST(-0500)] * colinclark (n=colin@ has joined ##uportal
[12:04:55 EST(-0500)] * jayshao (n=jayshao@wg-198-hill012.rutgers.edu) has joined ##uportal
[12:24:12 EST(-0500)] * deuce (n=deuce@uni1.unicon.net) has joined ##uportal
[13:11:17 EST(-0500)] * colinclark (n=colin@ has joined ##uportal
[13:41:44 EST(-0500)] <athena7> i think i'm about ready to check in some working theme stuff
[13:41:51 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> sweet
[13:41:59 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> I just merged a bunch more stuff into your branch
[13:42:09 EST(-0500)] <athena7> can i just check this in, or should i try and do an svn copy of the old stuff to the new location first?
[13:42:10 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> it shouldn't affect any theme work though
[13:42:37 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> are you using eclipse?
[13:42:40 EST(-0500)] <athena7> i am
[13:43:03 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> do a "Team > Synchronize with Repository"
[13:43:17 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> if nothing shows up red (conflicts) feel free to just commit
[13:43:22 EST(-0500)] <athena7> ok
[13:43:24 EST(-0500)] <athena7> it won't conflict
[13:43:27 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> all my changes we enabling caching
[13:43:45 EST(-0500)] <athena7> i just wasn't sure if we should try and bring along change history from the few files that existed in the old location
[13:43:56 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> ah
[13:43:56 EST(-0500)] <athena7> i'm not sure the history is too relevant, given how much the theme has changed
[13:44:01 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> yeah
[13:44:03 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> probably not
[13:44:08 EST(-0500)] <athena7> ok, cool
[13:44:21 EST(-0500)] <athena7> when i do the feedback portlet checkin, what's the best way to replace the trunk?
[13:44:29 EST(-0500)] <athena7> just delete and recreate? is there a better way?
[13:45:32 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> the best would probably be to do a 'svn mv' of trunk to branches/UW_FeedbackPortlet_1-0-0
[13:45:35 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> then svn mkdir trunkj
[13:45:42 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> then commit the new code to trunk
[13:45:58 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> that was the existing code becomes a branch
[13:46:03 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> and the new code becomes the trunk
[13:46:38 EST(-0500)] <athena7> ok, sounds great
[13:46:44 EST(-0500)] <athena7> thanks
[13:46:49 EST(-0500)] <athena7> i'll try and get to that today
[13:46:54 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> np, thanks for updating the portlet
[13:46:58 EST(-0500)] <athena7> yep
[13:47:02 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> we're excited for that and your calendar portlet
[13:47:07 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> which we need to make into jasig project
[13:47:25 EST(-0500)] <athena7> i just want to test it with hsql first
[13:47:31 EST(-0500)] <athena7> yes, i'd love to contribute that back too
[13:47:47 EST(-0500)] <athena7> we haven't had any issues reported in production yet, so i'm pretty happy about that
[13:47:49 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> let me know if you need any help with that
[13:47:53 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> I'll be happy to help
[13:47:54 EST(-0500)] <athena7> will do, thanks
[13:48:05 EST(-0500)] <athena7> at the very least, it would be good to have help testing
[13:49:51 EST(-0500)] * jayshao (n=jayshao@jayshao.oirt.rutgers.edu) has joined ##uportal
[13:55:20 EST(-0500)] <deuce> eric, did you reply to goodness? (smile)
[13:56:02 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> huh?
[13:56:22 EST(-0500)] <deuce> did you see that email from "goodness" on the infrastructure list?
[13:57:00 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> ah ... my local spam filter caught it
[13:57:16 EST(-0500)] <deuce> haha .. that one made me laugh
[13:57:17 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> seems like the spammers are having a bit more luck with UWs filters recently
[13:57:47 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> yeah, I enjoy browsing my spam folder ... some of the subjects are hilarious
[14:01:43 EST(-0500)] <athena7> good fodder for that spam subject cartoon?
[14:17:44 EST(-0500)] * esm (n=esm@asdf.dkc.jhu.edu) has joined ##uportal
[14:31:55 EST(-0500)] * clown (n=clown@ has left ##uportal
[15:13:37 EST(-0500)] * esm (n=esm@asdf.dkc.jhu.edu) has joined ##uportal
[16:01:29 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> hey athena7, you use postgres with up3 right?
[16:01:36 EST(-0500)] <athena7> yep
[16:02:08 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> could you run 'ant dbtest' for me and email me the results?
[16:02:31 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> I'm working on the manual for 3 right now
[16:02:50 EST(-0500)] <athena7> sure
[16:02:56 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> thanks (smile)
[16:05:18 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> oh and could you include the postgres maven dependency stanza from uportal-impl/pom.xml?
[16:05:31 EST(-0500)] <athena7> sure
[16:05:52 EST(-0500)] <athena7> i'm just waiting for this svn commit to finish
[16:05:57 EST(-0500)] <athena7> hoping my eclipse isn't about to crash
[16:06:01 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> no problem
[16:06:02 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> lol
[16:06:12 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> good thing SVN commits are atomic! (wink)
[16:06:22 EST(-0500)] * michelled (n=michelle@ has left ##uportal
[16:06:26 EST(-0500)] <athena7> are they?
[16:06:31 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> yup
[16:06:32 EST(-0500)] <athena7> that's good
[16:06:49 EST(-0500)] <athena7> because i think this one may be hung
[16:06:49 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> svn is a completely atomic system ... it either all works or doesn't
[16:06:57 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> what step is it on?
[16:08:26 EST(-0500)] <athena7> just cancelled it
[16:08:40 EST(-0500)] <athena7> my eclipse has been kind of unstable since i upgraded to leopard
[16:08:45 EST(-0500)] <athena7> maybe i'll just do it manually
[16:09:12 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> ah yeah ... there are some nasty SWT bugs that pop up in leopard
[16:09:27 EST(-0500)] <athena7> yeah
[16:09:29 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> I had to go grab some snapshot version of some eclipse jar to get it to stop crashing on me
[16:09:35 EST(-0500)] <athena7> yeah i should do that
[16:09:43 EST(-0500)] <athena7> the open resource dialog is completely unusable
[16:09:44 EST(-0500)] <athena7> i miss it
[16:10:09 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> it works if you click with your mouse I think
[16:10:19 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> hitting enter triggers the bug
[16:10:23 EST(-0500)] <athena7> weird
[16:11:02 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> yeah
[16:19:14 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> do you have the JavaHL svn libraries installed on your mac? (they provide a JNI svn library for the eclipse svn plugin which is MUCH faster than the pure java version)
[16:19:53 EST(-0500)] <athena7> dont' know
[16:20:00 EST(-0500)] <athena7> but doesn't look like this was atomic to me
[16:20:17 EST(-0500)] <athena7> unless you mean each separate resulting add was atomic
[16:21:19 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> any remote operation is attomic
[16:21:34 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> so a commit ... or add/move/copy/delete performed against a URL
[16:22:18 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> though eclipse may have decided to break things up ...
[16:22:39 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> I gave up on using the eclipse svn client for large change sets when doing the maven refactoring
[16:22:50 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> and had much more luck with the command line
[16:22:51 EST(-0500)] <athena7> yeah i don't usually use it
[16:22:55 EST(-0500)] <athena7> wish i hadn't this time
[16:22:57 EST(-0500)] <athena7> argh
[16:23:09 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> :/
[16:27:47 EST(-0500)] <athena7> ok, i don' t really know where i'm going to go from here
[16:27:55 EST(-0500)] <athena7> am i going to have to re-check out the project?
[16:27:55 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> so what happened?
[16:28:14 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> are you getting errors when running svn commands?
[16:28:24 EST(-0500)] <athena7> yes
[16:28:35 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> in the root of the project do 'svn cleanup'
[16:28:38 EST(-0500)] <athena7> file already exists errors in one directory
[16:28:40 EST(-0500)] <athena7> already tried that
[16:29:16 EST(-0500)] <athena7> the other directory gives me svn: MKCOL of '/svn/!svn/wrk/1fc7e3db-6c22-41e0-88b6-4288372297bc/up2/branches/working-up3theme/uportal-war/src/main/webapp/media/skins/up3-default/uportal3': 405 Method Not Allowed (https://www.ja-sig.org)
[16:29:17 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> when you were moving things around ... were you doing it using the svn move command, eclipse, or in the file system
[16:29:33 EST(-0500)] <athena7> i was adding things through eclipse
[16:29:37 EST(-0500)] <athena7> during which it crashed
[16:29:49 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> hrm
[16:29:57 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> any ideas esm?
[16:30:54 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> if you have the work backed up or a copy somewhere else you can try a svn revert on the bad directory from its parent:
[16:31:18 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> uPortal/parent%: svn revert -ARE baddir
[16:31:33 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> -ARE should be -R (darn auto-complete)
[16:39:49 EST(-0500)] <athena7> no such luck
[16:39:59 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> same error?
[16:40:03 EST(-0500)] <athena7> yeah
[16:40:07 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> uhg
[16:40:10 EST(-0500)] <athena7> i'm just going to have to check this out fresh, i think
[16:40:15 EST(-0500)] <athena7> this is not a good day
[16:40:18 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> that might be the easiest
[16:40:20 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> (sad)
[16:40:33 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> did I ever mention how much I appreciate you and Gary doing this theme work?
[16:40:47 EST(-0500)] <athena7> heh
[16:45:34 EST(-0500)] * clown (n=clown@user383.megabit.utoronto.ca) has joined ##uportal
[17:05:15 EST(-0500)] * anastasiac (n=chatzill@ has left ##uportal
[17:06:10 EST(-0500)] <athena7> alright, it looked like everything checked in correctly - my own copies just got completely corrupted
[17:06:14 EST(-0500)] <athena7> that was painful
[17:06:38 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> well at least you don't have to re-do all of the work
[17:06:41 EST(-0500)] <athena7> yeah
[17:06:49 EST(-0500)] <athena7> so i think we've got a semi-working theme in now
[17:06:59 EST(-0500)] <athena7> i'll let gary take a look at it
[17:07:10 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> cool
[17:07:17 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> I'll take a peak this evening too if I have time
[17:08:33 EST(-0500)] <athena7> sounds great
[17:08:41 EST(-0500)] <athena7> i sent both of you an email
[17:08:52 EST(-0500)] <athena7> once it's more polished, i'll send an email to the list
[17:09:10 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> cool (smile)
[17:09:29 EST(-0500)] <athena7> i think i'm done for the afternoon
[17:09:34 EST(-0500)] <athena7> see you guys tomorrow
[17:10:10 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> have a good evening Jen
[17:10:13 EST(-0500)] <athena7> you too
[17:10:30 EST(-0500)] <athena7> i'm going to go try and calm down and not be so annoyed at eclipse (tongue)
[17:46:41 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> oi ... my brain is going to mush from updating manual pages
[18:12:37 EST(-0500)] * colinclark (n=colin@bas2-toronto63-1088792661.dsl.bell.ca) has joined ##uportal
[19:15:03 EST(-0500)] * deuce (n=deuce@ip68-3-31-85.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined ##uportal
[20:48:41 EST(-0500)] * deuce (n=deuce@ip68-3-31-85.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined ##uportal
[21:28:26 EST(-0500)] * deuce (n=deuce@ip68-3-31-85.ph.ph.cox.net) has left ##uportal
[21:37:39 EST(-0500)] * clown (n=clown@user383.megabit.utoronto.ca) has joined ##uportal
[21:38:57 EST(-0500)] * clown (n=clown@user383.megabit.utoronto.ca) has left ##uportal