uPortal IRC Logs-2013-08-29

uPortal IRC Logs-2013-08-29

[10:30:26 CDT(-0500)] <tlev> @jwennmacher - I have merged in the weather portlet change. I noticed you did the last release of the portlet. Is there a wiki document outlining what needs to be done for portlet releases? I can just do the maven release, but I'm not sure if there is anything else.

[11:01:09 CDT(-0500)] <jwennmacher> @tlev: I did add a 'Releasing artifacts' section recently to https://wiki.jasig.org/display/UPC/Git+Workflow+for+Committers. It can probably be improved with other items (verifying Jira issues closed, releasing and creating new version #s in Jira, etc.). Is this what you are looking for?

[11:02:39 CDT(-0500)] <tlev> that should work

[11:02:50 CDT(-0500)] <tlev> i did notice that 1.0.11 doesn't exist for this portlet in Jira

[11:02:57 CDT(-0500)] <tlev> i don't have access to add versions

[11:03:30 CDT(-0500)] <tlev> thanks for creating that (smile)

[11:03:35 CDT(-0500)] <tlev> (the wiki page that is)

[11:27:01 CDT(-0500)] <jwennmacher> @tlev: Drew Wills has the ability to manage version #s in Jira for I think all uPortal projects

[11:27:19 CDT(-0500)] <jwennmacher> Just shoot him an email with your requests.

[11:27:22 CDT(-0500)] <tlev> i shall send him a note, thanks

[11:28:10 CDT(-0500)] <jwennmacher> Just a thought: For the weather portlet, I suggest going to a 1.1.0 version since their is a non-backwards-compatible api change.

[11:28:37 CDT(-0500)] <tlev> that is true, i will change version before releasing

[11:39:18 CDT(-0500)] <jwennmacher> Added a few notes in the Releasing Artifacts section about Jira and wiki documentation. If you think of anything else, please add it. (smile)

[13:19:10 CDT(-0500)] <tlev> @drewwills @jwennmacher - 1.1.0 of the weather portlet has been created and released

[13:21:31 CDT(-0500)] <jwennmacher> Excellent. You may want to notify the portal-user group

[13:21:50 CDT(-0500)] <tlev> email in progress on that same thread