uPortal IRC Logs-2008-06-18

uPortal IRC Logs-2008-06-18

[01:30:49 EDT(-0400)] * apetro-_ (n=apetro@wsip-98-174-242-39.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined ##uportal
[02:07:15 EDT(-0400)] * smallgoldstone (n=smallgol@nc1.neu.edu.cn) has joined ##uportal
[02:20:31 EDT(-0400)] * apetro-_ (n=apetro@ip68-98-37-188.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined ##uportal
[09:11:02 EDT(-0400)] * athena7 (n=athena7@c-24-2-189-230.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) has joined ##uportal
[09:11:31 EDT(-0400)] * MarkRogers (n=MarkRoge@addhcp129.cc.umanitoba.ca) has joined ##uportal
[09:28:00 EDT(-0400)] * esm (n=esm@ has joined ##uportal
[09:30:40 EDT(-0400)] * awills (n=awills@mtw160-5.ippl.jhu.edu) has joined ##uportal
[09:31:20 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> welcome to edt
[09:51:37 EDT(-0400)] * EricDalquist (n=dalquist@bohemia.doit.wisc.edu) has joined ##uportal
[09:55:29 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> good morning
[09:56:12 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> morning
[09:56:50 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> we already have another rather nasty bug to fix for 3.0.2 (tongue)
[09:57:03 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> oh
[09:57:04 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> what's that?
[09:57:43 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> the remote person manager stack overflows
[09:57:57 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> oh
[09:57:58 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> well that in conjunction with the base request wrapper up3 now adds to all requests
[09:58:04 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> what does the remote person manager do?
[09:58:09 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> the fix is pretty easy
[09:58:23 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> that's good at least
[09:58:24 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> returns an IPerson based on the value returned by request.getRemoteUser()
[09:58:48 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> problem is I've been adding portal functionality to the request via the base wrapper (very handy elsewhere in the framework)
[09:59:06 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> and the wrapper does personManager.getPerson(this) in getRemoteUser
[09:59:14 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> oh
[09:59:32 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> so it needs to do: personManager.getPerson(this.getWrappedRequest())
[10:00:43 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> gotcha
[10:08:16 EDT(-0400)] * colinclark (n=colin@bas1-toronto09-1279543604.dsl.bell.ca) has joined ##uportal
[10:11:12 EDT(-0400)] * apetro-_ (n=apetro@ip68-98-37-188.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined ##uportal
[10:17:06 EDT(-0400)] * michelled (n=team@ has joined ##uportal
[10:30:03 EDT(-0400)] <awills> that fix seems to be working just fine for me, btw
[10:30:09 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> cool
[10:30:19 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> it will be slightly different for 3.0.1 as the request wrapper changed
[10:30:19 EDT(-0400)] <awills> no issues have surfaced so far
[10:30:24 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> but I'll be patching it soon
[10:30:29 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> yeah I looked through the code last night
[10:30:33 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> that seems to be reasonable
[10:30:45 EDT(-0400)] <awills> Here's a new question...
[10:31:18 EDT(-0400)] <awills> I'm having trouble w/ this error msg: "A portal managed ApplicationContext has already been created but now a ServletContext is available and a WebApplicationContext will be returned. This situation should be resolved by delaying calls to this class until after the web-application has completely initialized."
[10:31:48 EDT(-0400)] <awills> Here's the call stack when the 1st (non-wed) app context gets created: http://uportal.pastebin.com/m34da0af1
[10:32:13 EDT(-0400)] <awills> the exception is bogus... i did a try/catch to see the call stack
[10:32:57 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> so
[10:33:33 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> the problem is something is calling PortalApplicationContextLocator during webapp startup before the Spring application context listener is finished executing
[10:33:41 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> have you made any changes to web.xml?
[10:34:03 EDT(-0400)] <awills> i don't know (1) why the start of the context involves a toString on PersonImpl and (2) how I can reliably prevent use of the bean container before the context finishes starting, if the start has to include random uPortal tech
[10:34:34 EDT(-0400)] <awills> not to web.xml... had to change PersonImpl.isGuest()
[10:34:58 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> why is the exception bogus?
[10:34:59 EDT(-0400)]

<awills> if (JHPersonFactory.getPersonFactory().isGuest(userName) && !m_securityContext.isAuthenticated())

Unknown macro: { isGuest = true; }

[10:35:57 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> so according to your stack trace JHPersonFactory.java:126 is calling PortalApplicationContextLocator.getApplicationContext()
[10:36:07 EDT(-0400)] <awills> here's the code that generates the exception:http://uportal.pastebin.com/m25cf3900
[10:36:14 EDT(-0400)] <awills> yes it is
[10:36:55 EDT(-0400)] <awills> it has to know stuff that's defined in the appContext to tell you if someone is a guest or not
[10:37:51 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> ah I see you added the exception to see the stack trace
[10:38:38 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> btw "LOGGER.error("msg", new Throwable())" will do the same as that try/catch
[10:39:29 EDT(-0400)] <awills> i tried that first, the logger isn't up completely, i'm guessing, b/c i don't get it in the log
[10:39:50 EDT(-0400)] <awills> <listener-class>org.springframework.web.util.Log4jConfigListener</listener-class>
[10:39:53 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> ah
[10:39:55 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> uhg
[10:39:55 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> ok
[10:40:13 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> so this looks like the Tomcat session deserialization code calls toString on the deserialized object?
[10:40:39 EDT(-0400)] <awills> session deserialization?
[10:40:59 EDT(-0400)] <awills> is it trying to rehydrate an old session?
[10:41:01 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> that's what it looks like it is doing
[10:41:03 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> yeah
[10:41:05 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> I'm assuming
[10:41:22 EDT(-0400)] <awills> my goodness... how difficult is it to turn that "feature" off?
[10:41:32 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> readObject seems to be the telling method name
[10:41:32 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> and the fact this this is running in the main startup thread of tomcat
[10:41:38 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> before the webapp is even running again
[10:41:44 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> not hard
[10:42:13 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> in fact I thought we had by default
[10:42:27 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> uportal-war/src/main/webapp/META-INF/context.xml
[10:43:17 EDT(-0400)] <awills> reloadable="false"
[10:43:19 EDT(-0400)] <awills> i see it
[10:43:28 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> no that's not it
[10:43:39 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> that says the webapp isn't dynamically reloadable
[10:43:57 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> I thought just declaring the manager as we have it disabled session persistence
[10:44:04 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> I'm looking for tomcat docs about it right now
[10:46:30 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> <Manager className="org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager" pathname=""/>
[10:46:36 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> make your Manager element look like that
[10:48:43 EDT(-0400)] <awills> didn't help
[10:49:16 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> you may also need to delete the existing serialized sessions
[10:49:30 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> delete the tomcat/work directory
[10:50:57 EDT(-0400)] <awills> wait... i may have spoken too soon
[10:52:56 EDT(-0400)] <awills> the stack trace is different
[10:53:10 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> yay change (smile)
[10:56:07 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> brb, need to reboot
[10:57:00 EDT(-0400)] * EricDalquist (n=dalquist@bohemia.doit.wisc.edu) has joined ##uportal
[10:57:50 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> there we go .... firefox decided to switch from using mouse button #s 6 & 7 to 8 & 9 in FF3
[10:57:59 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> and of course you have to log out/in to make any changes in X
[10:58:01 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> (tongue)
[10:58:06 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> so what is the new stack?
[11:00:27 EDT(-0400)] <awills> I'm guessing this is no longer how we do this: http://uportal.pastebin.com/m3fbadbc4
[11:00:44 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> nope
[11:00:54 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> so this is something I ran into quite a bit when doing the up3 upgrade
[11:01:06 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> you have to be careful you don't get an initialization loop
[11:01:24 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> in that case what happens is the spring app context is loading and makes that API call
[11:01:25 EDT(-0400)] <awills> yeah that's what it looks like
[11:01:34 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> but if you look at that API it now delegates to a spring configured bean
[11:01:44 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> which tries to load a new spring app context
[11:01:46 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> .....
[11:01:53 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> and that just keeps going
[11:01:59 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> until you stack overflow or some such
[11:02:02 EDT(-0400)] <awills> so, are beans defined on context file 'a' freely accessable in file 'b'?
[11:02:16 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> ldapContext.xml
[11:02:22 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> yes
[11:02:27 EDT(-0400)] <awills> cool
[11:02:40 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> the only thing the multiple files does is lend some sanity to finding beans
[11:02:48 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> they are all loaded into one big app context
[11:03:27 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> does the ajax ui work in ff3?
[11:03:30 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> i haven't downloaded it yet
[11:03:44 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> I think so
[11:03:49 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> I'll check today
[11:03:55 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> cool (smile)
[11:04:02 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> i need to get multiple profiles set up so i can use both
[11:04:08 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> google released their toolbar for FF3 too
[11:04:13 EDT(-0400)] * EricDalquist is happy
[11:04:20 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> (smile)
[11:04:31 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> i just need the web developer and firebug plugins
[11:04:36 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> other things i could live without!
[11:04:53 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> webdev works
[11:05:04 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> and firebug works if you go to their site and install the 1.1 beta
[11:05:22 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> http://getfirebug.com/releases/firebug/1.1/firebug-1.1.0b11.xpi
[11:07:14 EDT(-0400)] <awills> bleh... how many of these will there be? http://uportal.pastebin.com/m3cc4746
[11:07:38 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> depends on what they've done locally
[11:07:51 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> there are only 2 or 3 in the default 2.x install
[11:08:03 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> what file are you running into with them?
[11:13:21 EDT(-0400)] <awills> mostly personDirectory
[11:13:27 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> yeah
[11:13:39 EDT(-0400)] <awills> that's it... no more stack trace
[11:13:39 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> that was really the only area I did
[11:13:56 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> I don't think anything else was spring based and using static services like that
[11:32:04 EDT(-0400)] * colinclark (n=colin@bas1-toronto09-1279543604.dsl.bell.ca) has joined ##uportal
[11:37:18 EDT(-0400)] <apetro-_> (shouldn't we all be twittering instead?)
[11:38:04 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> (tongue)
[11:38:10 EDT(-0400)] <apetro-_> so I'm poised to announce Poised, I tell you.
[11:38:12 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> doesn't twitter do SMS?
[11:38:23 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> exciting (smile)
[11:38:36 EDT(-0400)] <apetro-_> Only remaining piece there is to update the Quickstart. Likely to get to that this morning.
[11:38:43 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> cool
[11:39:20 EDT(-0400)] <apetro-_> You going to do a news item on http://www.uportal.org/ , EricDalquist?
[11:39:48 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> oh I hadn't even thought about that
[11:40:04 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> do I just edit that page in hypercontent?
[11:40:08 EDT(-0400)] <apetro-_> I think someone should. Prolly should be one for each of the releases, and dates should be tweaked to get the uP3.0.1 to float to the top
[11:40:10 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> or is that an actual feed from somewhere?
[11:40:19 EDT(-0400)] <apetro-_> EricDalquist, I have snarky instructions posted
[11:40:55 EDT(-0400)] <apetro-_> http://www.unicon.net/node/567
[11:41:10 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> thanks
[11:41:11 EDT(-0400)] <apetro-_> and yes, Twitter does do SMS. Supposed to do AIM, but that's not worked out so well for them.
[11:41:16 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> I'll get an item up today
[11:41:34 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> SMS ... the most expensive data transfer methodology known to man ...
[11:41:38 EDT(-0400)] <apetro-_> k. If you get to it first, I'll tweak the date on mine so as to appear to have beaten you to the punch. (smile)
[11:41:46 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> (smile)
[11:42:00 EDT(-0400)] <apetro-_> I think someone needs to invent SFTP over SMS
[11:42:06 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> lol
[11:43:12 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> at $730/MB
[11:43:17 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> http://science.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/05/12/1419204
[11:44:46 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> http://science.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=550222&amp;cid=23385396
[11:46:14 EDT(-0400)] * holdorph (n=holdorph@ip72-201-251-192.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined ##uportal
[12:10:42 EDT(-0400)] * colinclark (n=colin@bas1-toronto09-1279543604.dsl.bell.ca) has joined ##uportal
[12:21:01 EDT(-0400)] * apetro-_ (n=apetro@wsip-98-174-242-39.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined ##uportal
[12:58:40 EDT(-0400)] <holdorph> has anyone tried to use the css class "portlet-form-input-field" with up3?
[12:58:57 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> I don't think the portlet CSS classes existed until 3.0.1
[12:58:59 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> are you looking at 3.0 or 3.0.1?
[12:59:00 EDT(-0400)] <holdorph> i'm trying to figure out if it's my portlet, my up3 env, or just a bug in up3 as shipped.
[12:59:12 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> yes, eric speaks truth
[12:59:13 EDT(-0400)] <holdorph> i'm looking at 3.0 branch
[12:59:25 EDT(-0400)] <holdorph> updated yesterday morning, so effectively 3.0.1
[12:59:45 EDT(-0400)] <holdorph> the class 'works', but it's black text on a black background
[13:00:20 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> then that is probably a bug
[13:00:50 EDT(-0400)] <holdorph> I was just asking if anyone else has tried it. this is a new portlet and new up3 env. so it's possible it's my fault
[13:05:53 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> that does not in fact sound ideal (smile)
[13:06:05 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> i thought the ajax menus used that class though
[13:06:10 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> what element type are you using it on?
[13:06:16 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> button, link, ?
[13:07:50 EDT(-0400)] <holdorph> text field
[13:08:08 EDT(-0400)] <holdorph> spring form tag library, tag declared like this:
[13:08:15 EDT(-0400)] <holdorph> <form:input cssClass="portlet-form-input-field" path="userType" size="30" maxlength="80" />
[13:08:39 EDT(-0400)] <holdorph> ignore the fact that userType shouldn't be a text field, i'm still in development (smile)
[13:09:16 EDT(-0400)] <holdorph> anyway, that turns into:
[13:09:23 EDT(-0400)] <holdorph> <input id="userType" name="userType" class="portlet-form-input-field" type="text" value="" size="30" maxlength="80"/>
[13:09:26 EDT(-0400)] <holdorph> on the rendered page
[13:10:13 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> oh
[13:10:18 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> hm
[13:10:27 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> you know, maybe the ajax menus don't actually use that one
[13:10:47 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> I doubt it athena7 since it didn't exist until 3.0.1
[13:11:22 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> no they do use portlet css classes, because we developed them using such at yale
[13:11:31 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> they just didn't get rendered as anything special in the default skin
[13:13:02 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> ah
[13:17:01 EDT(-0400)] <holdorph> bookmarks portlet, that comes in up3, if you click 'Add bookmark' it has the same black-on-black behavior for me
[13:17:20 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> looks like 3.0.2 will be out soon (smile)
[13:17:43 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> we should add a portlet css test to the FunctionalTestsPortlet
[13:18:56 EDT(-0400)] * colinclark (n=colin@ has joined ##uportal
[13:57:48 EDT(-0400)] * awills (n=awills@mtw160-5.ippl.jhu.edu) has joined ##uportal
[16:22:24 EDT(-0400)] * michelled (n=team@ has left ##uportal
[16:39:06 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> I haven't looked at them but are the weather/calendar portlets good examples to point a new portlet developer to?
[16:39:40 EDT(-0400)] <holdorph> only if they can make the leap to spring portlet mvc
[16:40:02 EDT(-0400)] <holdorph> which I dont think a lot of people can. some can, but not most, that come to unicon portlet training class
[16:40:17 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> well this is for someone that has
[16:40:26 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> acutally the UW person that was at the last class
[16:40:35 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> btw he said he got quite a bit out of it and really liked it
[16:41:06 EDT(-0400)] <holdorph> yeah, if you already have a handle on portlet basics, I think those are good to take a look at and use as a base
[16:41:11 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> great
[16:41:28 EDT(-0400)] <holdorph> bookmarks needs a javascript warning before entering though (wink)
[16:41:51 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> true
[17:52:08 EDT(-0400)] * awills (n=awills@mtw160-5.ippl.jhu.edu) has left ##uportal
[18:14:10 EDT(-0400)] * esm (n=esm@207-53-192-127.dynamic-dsl.qis.net) has joined ##uportal
[19:18:58 EDT(-0400)] * EiNZTEiN (n=einztein@bl7-227-240.dsl.telepac.pt) has joined ##uportal
[22:23:19 EDT(-0400)] * MarkRogers (n=MarkRoge@wnpgmb0804w-ad03-82-73.dynamic.mts.net) has joined ##uportal
[22:27:12 EDT(-0400)] * agherna (n=agherna@12-214-178-128.client.mchsi.com) has joined ##uportal
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