Packaging uMobile for iOS

Packaging uMobile for iOS

Packaging iOS For Distribution

Packaging for distribution involves steps required for testing on a device, but adds some additional steps:

  1. Setting up the app in iTunes Connect
  2. Creating a new Bundle ID
  3. Generating a Distribution Profile
  4. Validating and submitting the app binary through Xcode

Setting up Apps in iTunes Connect

iTunes Connect is where you manage your App Store apps, and information associated with those apps. Features of iTunes Connect:

  • View sales and trends of existing apps
  • Manage users who can access iTunes Connect for this account (for company accounts, not individual)
  • View contracts and financials
  • Manage applications (this is where you upload applications and manage versions of applications)

When you're nearing the time to submit your app for review, you should start the process of submitting your app in iTunes connect. You can start the process even if you're not quite ready to release your app, so that when the app IS ready, all you have to do is upload your binaries.

The process is mostly self-explanatory if you visit itunesconnect.apple.com and click "Manage Your Applications." However, there's a useful guide from Apple here (must login to access): http://itunesconnect.apple.com/docs/iTunesConnect_DeveloperGuide.pdf  
Once you've set up your app, and your iOS app is fully-tested and ready to submit, you'll need to log into iTunes Connect, Manage Your Applications, and indicate that your app is ready for submission so that the status becomes "Waiting for Upload." At this point, you should have created a distribution profile for your app in the iOS provisioning portal. 

Steps for compiling and submitting the app:

  1. In Titanium Developer, navigate to <project> > Test & Package > Distribute > iPhone
  2. Select the iOS SDK version you'd like to target
  3. Select your distribution certificate (if it doesn't show up, try re-downloading from the iOS provisioning portal, or set it up if it hasn't been set up yet).
  4. Select a distribution location. For example, a folder called "release" in your project folder.
  5. Select the distribution provisioning profile. You MUST select the distribution profile that's been associated with the app you're submitting.
  6. Click "Package"

When the process in Titanium is done, it will automatically open Xcode Organizer, focused on the app that was just packaged. 

In Xcode, to complete the final submission of the app:

  1. Select the most recent archive (the packaged version of your app) from the list on the right-hand side.
  2. Click the "Validate" button in the top right part of the window.
  3. You'll be prompted to select the profile to use for validation.If validation passes, click the "Submit" button to upload your app to the App Store.
  4. If upload succeeds, your app status will change to "Waiting for Review," until they start reviewing the app.

If you run into issues during this process, try copying whatever error message you see, and searching for it in the Titanium Developer Q&A site: http://developer.appcelerator.com/questions/

http://developer.appcelerator.com/questions/The amount of time it takes to review apps is unpredictable, but can take anywhere from a week upwards. Make sure to allow time for multiple review rounds for your release, in case the app is rejected the first time.

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