Portlet Skeleton

Skeleton project for an ant-based Spring PorletMVC portlet

Download the skeleton portlet project

Attached is a skeleton portlet that lays out a recommended directory structure for a portlet using the Spring Portlet MVC and Ant as the build system. Included in the portlet is the following information in a README.txt:

This is a skeleton directory structure for a Spring MVC based portlet. It includes the needed
directory structure, build script, base set of libraries and Eclipse project configuration for
starting a portlet.

********** Project Structure **********
The structure of this project follows the Maven Web Application project structure recommendations

1. Libraries
    lib/compile - libraries only needed at compile time but are not deployed with the portlet.
                    ex: servlet API and portlet API
    lib/runtime - libraries needed for compilation and runtime that are deployed with the portlet,
                  most libraries fall into this location.
    lib/test    - libraries needed for running unit tests. These are not deployed with the portlet.

2. Source
    src/main/java       - Java source files used at runtime 
    src/main/resources  - non-Java files that need to be on the classpath at runtime
    src/test/java       - Java source files used for unit tests 
    src/test/resources  - non-Java files that need to be on the classpath for unit tests

3. Spring Configuration
    src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/context/applicationContext.xml - The root Spring application context.
        DAOs, buisness logic and controllers should all be declared in this file.
    src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/context/portlet/ - Per-portlet Spring contexts go here. There should be
        one file for each <portlet> definition in the portlet.xml. A handler-mapping with the
        nessesary controllers should be defined in each of these files.

4. JSPs
    src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/jsp - All JSPs used when rendering the application are placed under
        this directory.
5. Web Resources
    src/main/webapp/css - CSS files
    src/main/webapp/js  - JavaScript files
    src/main/webapp/img - Images

********** Getting Started **********
1. Update the name of your portlet. There are several files that need to be updated with the
    name of your portlet.
2. Rename this file to match the portlet application context setting in portlet.xml

The directory structure of the portlet looks like:

|-- .classpath
|-- .project
|-- .settings
|   `-- org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
|-- README.txt
|-- build.properties
|-- build.xml
|-- lib
|   |-- compile
|   |   |-- portlet-api-1.0.jar
|   |   `-- servlet-api-2.4.jar
|   |-- provided
|   |-- runtime
|   |   |-- aopalliance-1.0.jar
|   |   |-- commons-collections-3.2.1.jar
|   |   |-- commons-lang-2.4.jar
|   |   |-- commons-logging-1.1.1.jar
|   |   |-- jstl-1.1.2.jar
|   |   |-- log4j-1.2.15.jar
|   |   |-- spring-beans-2.5.jar
|   |   |-- spring-context-2.5.jar
|   |   |-- spring-context-support-2.5.jar
|   |   |-- spring-core-2.5.jar
|   |   |-- spring-web-2.5.jar
|   |   |-- spring-webmvc-2.5.jar
|   |   |-- spring-webmvc-portlet-2.5.jar
|   |   `-- standard-1.1.2.jar
|   `-- test
|       |-- easymock-2.3.jar
|       |-- junit-4.2.jar
|       `-- spring-test-2.5.jar
`-- src
    |-- main
    |   |-- java
    |   |-- resources
    |   |   `-- messages.properties
    |   `-- webapp
    |       |-- WEB-INF
    |       |   |-- context
    |       |   |   |-- applicationContext.xml
    |       |   |   `-- portlet
    |       |   |       `-- skeletonPortletContext.xml
    |       |   |-- jsp
    |       |   |   `-- include.jsp
    |       |   |-- log4j.properties
    |       |   |-- portlet.xml
    |       |   `-- web.xml
    |       |-- css
    |       |-- img
    |       `-- js
    `-- test
        |-- java
        `-- resources