Blog Portlet


Post Authoring

  • Sufficiently-permissioned users may create blog posts using a WYSIWYG interface
  • Blog posts are organized by topic and/or tagged
  • Blog post data includes
    • date
    • author
    • title
    • abstract
    • post body
  • Blog posts support rich elements such as images and charts

Post Viewing

  • Posts may be bookmarked
  • Portlet offers RSS feeds
  • Users may comment on blog posts
  • Portlet integrates with uPortal 4 search

Administrative Features

  • Create, edit, and remove blog topics and tags
  • Control blog posting permissions
  • Remove posts and comments


Recommended Technologies:

  • JSR-170 for storing images (and perhaps content itself?)
  • Fluid Rich Text Inline Editor for WYSIWYG editing
  • OWASP AntiSamy for preventing script injection in user-input data