Web Proxy Portlet Replacement
Jasig would like to rewrite the existing web proxy portlet as modern, Spring-based portlet project. This portlet could furthermore also serve as a more general content transformation portlet, replacing the historical XSLT channel.
Potential Transformation Types
- Web Proxy: Web Proxy can be viewed as a simple transformation type where the end output is similar to the input. Web proxy might still be subject to a content transformation pipeline that includes HTML validation, content clipping, etc. This pipeline might use HttpClient and OWASP AntiSamy.
- XSLT: Transform source XML using an XSLT.
- JSON: Deserialize JSON using the Jackson Library into a Java Map object, then transform into HTML using the configured Spring view name.
- SpringMVC
- HttpClient4 for requesting remote content
- OWASP AntiSamy for validating remote content
- NekoHTML for parsing HTML into processable SAX events
- Jackson for JSON deserialization
- Standard JDK classes for XSLT transformation
- Look into http://jsoup.org/ as a replacement for NekoHTML, it would also handle clipping and manipulation
- Pluggable authentication
- Form-based credential replay
- Proxy-CAS
- Delegated SAML
- Certificate?
- Proxying of embedded web resources, including CSS, JS, and images
- HTML Clipping, preferably using a jQuery like syntax
- Support regex-y whitelist of URLs to be proxied
- All re-written URLs should be tracked in session to prevent exploiting poorly written whitelists and turning this into an open proxy
- Ability to load source content from the filesystem in addition to requesting remote web content
- Mechanism for adding user attributes / other interesting dynamic parameters to initial URL
- Play nice with the portlet 2.0 caching controls
- Persist the HttpClient state data (cookies) on a per user per instance basis
- Ability to add HTTP headers which could contain user attributes
- Ability to re-write proxied CSS to scope the included CSS to just the proxied content