
DescriptionSOR Role Records (1 per person per role per SOR)
record_idinteger, primary keyNo  (warning) This should really be id
system_of_record_idinteger, foreign keyNoSystem of record asserting this role recordprd_system_of_record:id 
sor_person_idinteger, foreign keyNoSOR Person this role record is attached toprs_sor_persons:id 
titlevarchar(100)NoTitle for this role record  
percent_timeintegerNoPercent time for this role record (100 = full time)  
organizational_unit_idinteger, foreign keyNoOrganizational unit this role record belongs todrd_organizational_units:id 
sponsor_idinteger, (warning) should be foreign keyNoSponsor for this role recordIf sponsor_t is Person: XXX 
sponsor_tinteger, foreign keyNoType of sponsorctx_data_types:iddata_type=SPONSOR
person_status_tinteger, foreign keyNoStatus of this role recordctx_data_types:iddata_type=STATUS
affiliation_datedateNoEffective date of affiliation of this role record Need not be same as validity but (warning) validity is not implemented
affiliation_tinteger, foreign keyNoAffiliation type of this role recordctx_data_types:iddata_type=AFFILIATION
termination_datedate Effective date of termination of this role Need not be same as validity but (warning) validity is not implemented
termination_tinteger, foreign key Type of terminationctx_data_types:iddata_type=?