New Data Model Documentation
This page is in progress
Table Data Descriptions
- (Pre)defined: Definitions provided out of the box, may be added to by local deployment
- Instantiated: Definitions added by local deployment
- Raw: Untouched data from SOR
- Standardized: Normalized data transformed from SOR specific format to common format
- Calculated: Data calculated by transformation on raw, standardized, or calculated data
Audit (AUD) Tables
Audit tables are prefixed aud_
Standardized (S) Tables
Standardized Tables (__s
prefixed) are loaded from System Of Record data, cleaned up so all records look the same regardless of SOR formatting quirks. They are for internal (to OpenRegistry) use only.
Table Name | Description | Status |
prs_addresses | Physical Addresses | Provisional |
prs_names | Names | Provisional |
prs_phones | Telephone Numbers | Provisional |
prs_role_records | SOR Role Records (1 per person per role per SOR) | Provisional |
prs_sor_persons | SOR Person (1 per person per SOR) | Provisional |
Calculated (C) Tables
Calculated Tables (__c
prefixed) are created by OpenRegistry from standardized tables based on configured rules, and are considered "exportable".
Dictionary (D) Tables
Dictionary Tables (__d
prefixed) are support tables that hold (pre)defined definitions external to the Registry. They may be loaded from specialized feeds, or manually set up.
Table Name | Description | Status |
drd_organizational_units | Organizational Unit/Departmental Hierarchy | Provisional |
prd_system_of_record | Defined Systems of Record (SORs) known to the Registry | Candidate for renaming |
Original (O) Tables
Original Tables (__o
prefixed) hold data original to/originated by the Registry.
Supporting (X) Tables
Supporting Tables (__x
prefixed) are support tables that relate to the management of the system, and that are generally only instantiated or modified by the system or an administrator.
Table Name | Description | Status |
ctx_data_types | Data type definitions (for _t columns) | Provisional |