2011 - Brian Savage - Boston College


Brian Savage is an enterprise architect at Boston College over twenty years experience in centralized IT. Currently he is promoting distributed services, a demand-based model for selection of development environments, and is involved in ongoing projects such as enterprise service bus, master data management, mobile computing and third-party system integration. Most work involves open source technologies, he has attended Jasig and Nercomp events, and appreciates the potential for CAS to extend authentication across enterprises. Brian holds a doctorate in Educational Research, Measurement and Evaluation and is applying this quantitative background in data mining techniques.

Platform Statement

CAS is already a successful Jasig initiative with wide adoption, at least in higher education. My focus is on the strategic role of the CAS solution and helping potential adopters place CAS within a larger roadmap of trust technologies. Specifically, I believe enterprises need 1) an easily digestable way to match CAS to use cases, and 2) continued efforts to clarification its relationship to open standards such OpenId, Shibboleth and even Oauth.