2007 Summer Elections

 Board of Directors - Nominee Statements

Members vote for two (2):

uPortal Project Steering Committee Stakeholders - Nominee Statements 

Members vote for three (3): 

Call for Nominations (closed)

The JA-SIG Elections Committee is pleased to announce the opening of nominations for:

1)       Two (2) positions on the JA-SIG Board of Directors, and

2)       Three (3) Stakeholder positions on the uPortal Project Steering Committee. 

JA-SIG, Inc., is a non-profit (501(c)3), international consortium of educational institutions and commercial affiliates supporting community-driven, open source software development and promoting open system architectures for higher education.   


The Board of Directors provides leadership for JA-SIG by serving the interests of the entire community, promoting JA-SIG's objectives, representing and coordinating sponsored projects, ensuring that project management is consistent with the organization's mission, and making sure that JA-SIG operates within its fiscal resources. The Board of Directors meets in person at least twice a year at such times and places as designated by the Chair.  Board members are expected to attend monthly video-conferences and regularly conduct Board business electronically.  Board members are not compensated for their work.  Nominees will be expected to confirm that their institutional leadership approves of this commitment of time if elected.

The Board elections will replace one Director position that has been vacant and will add an additional position to the board.   Nominations for these positions will be open, and nominees will be selected by a vote of the JA-SIG Membership.  Board Directors shall serve for a term of three years.  Board Directors may serve only two consecutive terms. 


The uPortal Project Steering Committee serves as the governing body responsible for the strategic direction and operational oversight of the uPortal project.  It acts as an advocate for the project.   For more information on committee responsibilities, refer to the JA-SIG wiki.

The Steering Committee will be composed of two representatives chosen by the current group of uPortal committers; one Board representative or appointee; and three other stakeholders from the community who will be chosen by JA-SIG Members through the election process.  Project Steering Committee members are not compensated for their work.


Nominations for both Board Directors and Project Steering Committee Stakeholders must be emailed to elections@ja-sig.org no later than 5:00 PM EDT (GMT-4) on Wednesday, August 15, 2007.  Anyone can be nominated to stand for election to these positions.  Self-nominations are also allowed.  Receipt of any nomination you submit will be confirmed.  The JA-SIG Elections Committee will notify all nominees, explain the expectations for Board Directors and Stakeholders and confirm their willingness and ability to run for election.  If they agree, additional information about them will be solicited and posted. 

A current list of JA-SIG Members eligible to vote may be found on the JA-SIG website.

The elections are scheduled to be conducted for a period of three weeks via email, beginning Thursday, August 16, 2007, with results announced soon after Wednesday, September 5, 2007.  More complete directions will follow.

Thank you very much for helping us present the most qualified slate of candidates.  We look forward to hearing from you soon.
JA-SIG Elections Committee
     Carl Jacobson
     Debbie Smith
     David Koehler