Purpose |
Serve as the governing body responsible for the strategic direction and operational oversight of the uPortal project. Act as an advocate for the project. |
Responsibilities |
- Capture requirements for uPortal functionality* Determine priority of deliverables for releases* Determine resource needs
- Partner with institutions, commercial affiliates, and other community source projects to recruit, acquire, develop resources from the community* Assist in grant proposals on behalf of the project
- Prioritize the use of external funds that have been allocated to the project
- Monitor progress towards releases
- Communicate regularly to the Jasig Board
Composition |
- One Jasig Board Director, or appointee of the Jasig Board
- Two uPortal developers selected by the current group of uPortal committers
- Three community stakeholders will be elected by the Jasig Membership
- Additional stakeholders may be added as working members, if approved by the committee
- Executive Director as ex officio member
Process |
- Committee will select its own chair, who will serve for two years
- Committee will meet once per month. Additional meetings to be arranged by agreement of the committee
- Committee Chair will discuss project status with the JA-SIG Executive Director monthly
- Elections of stakeholder participants will be held once a year prior to the annual JA-SIG Membership Meeting
- Stakeholders will serve for two years
- Election process will mirror that of JA-SIG Board, with each Member organization casting the same number of votes as the number of open positions
- Stakeholder nominees need not be associated with Member organizations, may be self-nominated, and may be nominated by a non-Member