Current JA-SIG Board
- Jens Haeusser, University of British Columbia, Chair
- Robert Sherratt, University of Hull, Vice Chair
- Tim Archer, University of St. Francis, Treasurer
- Katya Sadovsky, University of California-Irvine, Secretary
- Tom Barton, University of Chicago
- Susan Bramhall, Yale University
- Aaron Godert, Cornell University
- Jim Helwig, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Benn Oshrin
- John Lewis, Unicon Inc.
- Gary Schwartz, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- Jonathan Markow, JASIG Executive Director (Ex-Officio Member)
Election Process
JA-SIG Board of Directors Elections
v. 1.0
Policy |
- Board directors to be elected for a period of three years.
- Each year, three board directors will stand for re-election, so that with a board of nine members (plus ED), the board could be fully re-constituted within a three-year period.
- Directors may be re-elected for a second three-year period.
- Elections will be held to coincide with the annual Membership meeting. Special elections may also be called by the Board.
- If there are not enough nominations to fill all the vacant slots, the Board will select nominees to make up the difference
- Each member may a vote per each vacancy (e.g., if there are three vacant positions, a member may vote for up to three nominees)
- Nominees are not required to be affiliated with JA-SIG Member organizations
- In the event of a vacancy between elections, the Board will appoint an interim Board member until the next election
Process |
- Individuals may be self-nominated, nominated by Members, or nominated by non-Members
- Nominees will submit a personal statement during the three-week period following an official Call for Nominations
- During the three-week period that follows the close of the Call for Nominations, JA-SIG Member organizations will cast votes for Board members electronically. The election will be monitored by an Election Committee
- Newly elected Board Members will be announced at the annual meeting or at another designated time in the event of a special election.