0928 Conference Call

When: 1pm Eastern == 10 am Arizona

Duration: 1 hour

Friday September 28th

Dial in

Conference call generously hosted by Unicon, Inc..

Call in: (800) 981-8084 Guest code 8861483

Please update this page with your intent to participate if you plan to dial in.



  • Conference call administrivia
    • Solicit volunteer to create wiki page for next conference call and remind the committee via list of the call when it approaches.
    • Solicit minute taker
  • Registration and Fee Collection
  • We-have-three-places-for-people-to-sign-up-and-this-is-not-great discussion
  • Web presence and Marketing
  • Lightning Talks
  • Butcher paper, masking tape, magic marker, and why we need them
  • Unicon training - status
  • Manhattan field trip?
  • Review timeline


  • Jonathan Markow reported contract almost finalized
    • Jonathan Markow will announce registration details on Monday.
    • Concentra to do registration and fee collection
    • Three rooms for Unconference: one large and two small.
  • Additional fee for on-site registration
    • Discussion on this: Jason presented advantages of no add'l fee, Jonathan Markow pointed out advantages of better headcount in incentivizing registration in advance.
    • In interest of welcoming local participants e.g. the folks from the NYC Sakai users' group, no additional fee for on-site registration
    • Require on-site registrants to borrow a laptop and use the web registration
  • Too many places to register
    • wiki, meetup, Concentra site, and conference hotel
    • Meetup seems extraneous. Retire it. Update its text to link to the wiki instructions for registering. Bill (not present on call) assigned action item of updating the site.
  • Web presence
    • Jonathan Markowto update JCON front page
    • Jason Shao proposes using {include] tag to include the child page's content in the front page without maintaining duplicate data
    • Andrew Petro reminded of value in asking partner sites to highlight our event on Monday, Jonathan Markow to own this task
      • Educause Event Calendar (need an insider?)
      • Kuali
      • CampusEAI
      • Unicon
      • Fluid
      • Sakai
      • Andrew Petro suggsted it's important to invite all commercial affiliates to refer folks to this event, and so the Sun and SungardHE contacts should be particularly invited to do so even though maybe we don't think they're as likely to do it
    • Activity ideas page: Jason's ideas for improving it
      • Jason Shao to touch, update activity ideas page
  • Conference supplies
    • Jonathan Markow to ask Bill Thompson to ask conference facility to supply butcher paper etc.
  • Unicon training update
    • John Lewis asked for survey to gauge interest
    • Bill to create survey / meetup for training opportunity
  • Next call
    • Jonathan Markow will not be able to present, but Bill likely will be present
    • Have the call and cut it short if there's little to discuss

Action items

  • Jonathan Markow to announce registration details on Monday 1 October 2007
  • Jason Shao to update wiki page for next call
  • Bill Thompson to update Meetup site to convey that the real registration action is happening elsewhere.
  • Jonathan Markow to update JCON front page per the details avail Monday
  • Jonathan Markow to invite partner sites to announce / advertise / link to our event
  • Jonathan Markow to ask Bill Thompson to ask conference facility to supply tape / butcher paper / etc.