2011 02 22 Conference Call

2011 02 22 Conference Call

Bridge Info

2/22/2010 4:00 PM, US/Eastern

+1-734-615-7474 (Please use if you do not pay for Long Distance)
+1-866-411-0013 (toll free US/Canada Only)

0167481# (Participant Code)


  • Keith H
  • Eric W
  • Chris H
  • Benn O


  1. Group API Data Structures and Operations
    1. Identifiers and overall structure
    2. Open questions


  1. Discussion of IDLs
    1. CORBA IDL
    2. Does it make sense to adopt an IDL with a good set of language bindings? (ie: to avoid developing a wire protocol)
      1. Apache Avro
      2. Google Protocol Buffers
      3. Apache Thrift
      4. etc...
  2. Two identifiers: uri and uuid
  3. We probably still need a group lookup object
  4. Max lengths
    1. 1024 seems reasonable, better to start small and make bigger
  5. hasMember() vs hasPrivilege()
    1. It seems clearer to have separate methods rather than a parameter to hasMember

Action Items


  1. Keith: Look into IDLs
  2. Benn: Revise current draft based on this call
  3. Chris: Draft initial search filter object


  1. Benn: Change URN to URI, discuss with Chris a reasonable maximum length based on typical group lengths (probably <= 255) (tick), update draft with renaming (and possibly other things that the GMS may want to tell the client)
  2. Benn: Review various open questions with Chris, perhaps start on some of the TODO items (tick)
  3. Benn and Tom Z: Figure out where to start with Provisioning API
  4. Chris: Find out why subject type was dropped from I2 subject API
  5. All: Identify use cases for renaming