2011 02 22 Conference Call
2011 02 22 Conference Call
Bridge Info
2/22/2010 4:00 PM, US/Eastern
+1-734-615-7474 (Please use if you do not pay for Long Distance)
+1-866-411-0013 (toll free US/Canada Only)
0167481# (Participant Code)
- Keith H
- Eric W
- Chris H
- Benn O
- Group API Data Structures and Operations
- Identifiers and overall structure
- Open questions
- Discussion of IDLs
- Does it make sense to adopt an IDL with a good set of language bindings? (ie: to avoid developing a wire protocol)
- Two identifiers: uri and uuid
- We probably still need a group lookup object
- Max lengths
- 1024 seems reasonable, better to start small and make bigger
- hasMember() vs hasPrivilege()
- It seems clearer to have separate methods rather than a parameter to hasMember
Action Items
- Keith: Look into IDLs
- Benn: Revise current draft based on this call
- Chris: Draft initial search filter object
- Benn: Change URN to URI, discuss with Chris a reasonable maximum length based on typical group lengths (probably <= 255)
, update draft with renaming (and possibly other things that the GMS may want to tell the client)
- Benn: Review various open questions with Chris, perhaps start on some of the TODO items
- Benn and Tom Z: Figure out where to start with Provisioning API
- Chris: Find out why subject type was dropped from I2 subject API
- All: Identify use cases for renaming