2010 11 16 Conference Call
2010 11 16 Conference Call
Chris Hyzer
Jen Bourey
Jeremy Jeremy
Former user (Deleted)
Scott Cantor
Tom Zeller
Benn Oshrin
- What do we tell federated application developers about how to deal with groups? source group data is stored in many repositories, so no single place knows a member of a group
- Are groups currently externalized?
- What operations on group data are currently used? are groups and roles different? how?
federated groups? - Interesting dates
- COmanage: 1Q 2011
- Sakai: Spring 2011
- uPortal: Spring 2011
- ACAMP: May 2011
- Kuali: No immediate needs
Action Items
- Benn: Set up mailing list & wiki
- All: Assemble examples/use cases
- All: Assemble pointers to existing APIs you have
- All: What are groups used for?
- Scott: Assemble examples of issues with groups in federated context