Academus modifications to UBC_Webmail

Academus modifications to UBC_Webmail

Purpose of this page and these files

The Academus UBC_Webmail fork code is being posted here in order to make the Academus webmail changes available as input to the UBC_Webmail opensource efforts.

The intent here is not to fork the UBC_Webmail community onto this code. There are too many forks of UBC_Webmail in the world as it is: the Academus versions, the Rutgers version, the opensource version. I imagine every school that has ever used this code has hacked it a little. The purpose of making this code available is to help make these local forks less necessary by making as much goodness as possible available in the shared source code.

I don't recommend you try to directly use this code in your portal, it probably won't work, and whether it does or not, no support, warranty, or any other help is being offered on this code. Use at your own risk. Don't blame anyone if it eats your portal.

Academus webmail forks

Academus contains two forks of UBC_Webmail, a traditional version and a version that has been modified to support nested folders.
Each is available as a .zip attachment to this page.
Additionally attached are PDFs of the Academus documentation for this channel.

The attached code zips are snapshots. No representation is made as to the bug-free-ness of this code or the relationship of it to code used in any particular Academus release. The snapshots attached to this page may not be updated to reflect changes in the code in Academus.

  File Modified

ZIP Archive academus_21_traditional_webmail.zip Traditional webmail Academus MAIN rev 5561

Nov 07, 2006 by Andrew Petro

ZIP Archive nestedFoldersWebmail.zip Nested folders webmail Academus MAIN rev 5561

Nov 07, 2006 by Andrew Petro

PDF File Academus Nested Folders Webmail Channel User Guide.pdf User guide for nested folders webmail

Nov 07, 2006 by Andrew Petro

PDF File Academus Nested Folders Webmail Configuration Guide.pdf Configuration guide for nested folders webmail

Nov 07, 2006 by Andrew Petro

Microsoft Word 97 Document Academus WebMail (UBC Webmail) Deployment Guide.doc Deployment guide for traditional webmail

Nov 07, 2006 by Andrew Petro