Esup Helpdesk
Esup Helpdesk
Andrew Petro
Owned by Andrew Petro
Last updated: May 09, 2006 by alexandre.boisseau@univ-brest.frVersion comment
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As posted to JA-SIG portal
We are very proud to announce that esup-helpdesk 2.3.1 is available.
A demonstration site has been set up for you to try it. Please note that the following restrictions apply to this demonstration version:
- uPortal users (i.e. authenticated by CAS, LDAP... with theur netId) can not log in: only external users, i.e. authenticated by a password received by email, can log in.
- each time a new user logs in, a new department is created; the user is automatically manager of this new department. All the users also see a common department named DEMO.
Note: the project is still looking for a native English speaker to improve the English translation.
, multiple selections available,