Maintaining local customizations using Maven 2

Maintaining local customizations using Maven 2


This page is created in order to let users share how to maintain local customizations using Maven 2. Those customizations include:

  • changing properties in deploymentConfigContext.xml, cas-servlet.xml, etc.;
  • adding customized views and themes;
  • your own classes of Authentication Handlers, principles or special web flow elements;
  • and any other things you need.


By using Maven 2, we aim to perform the following:

  • Easier to extend and customize CAS server for your need
  • Less Pain in transiting to new CAS versions, by running maven


This HOW TO makes the following assumptions:

  • CAS 3.1.0 or greater
  • You know how to customize CAS, including adding classes and other web application resources
  • You know the basics of Maven 2, read the Maven in 5 minutes introduction.

Possible Solutions

1. cas-webapp overlay

First of all, create a directory where you will put your own customized files and where you will compile:

cd cas-server-3.1.1
mkdir cas-server-xxx

Then create a pom.xml file like this in your new directory:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
         xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">
    <name>XXX CAS webapp</name>
    <description>The XXX's customizations to the JA-SIG CAS server.</description>


        <!-- if you need LDAP handler -->

        <!-- if you need X509 handler -->

            <name>JA-SIG Maven2 Repository</name>

Replace XXX by your organisation name and remove the X509 or the LDAP lines if you don't need these handlers.

Now you can put your own customized files in cas-server-3.1.1/cas-server-xxx/src/. For example if you want to overload the X509 handler sourcecode, create this file:


Then you just have to compile your project:

cd cas-server-3.1.1/cas-server-xxx/
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true package install

The war will be available in cas-server-3.1.1/cas-server-xxx/target/cas.war

Another way that is not explained above that need to be explained is: Install the cas.war into local repository. Build your own customization project using Maven 2, include the cas.war as a dependency

2. Defining a Maven2 Archetype

To be added.