

New CAS documentation site

CAS documentation has moved over to apereo.github.io/cas, starting with CAS version 4.x. The wiki will no longer be maintained. For the most recent version of the documentation, please refer to the aforementioned link.

Developing using Eclipse

If you are developing new features in CAS, or just plan on bringing the project into Eclipse, the development team recommends using the m2eclipse plugin which can read the POM files and manage the dependencies for you on the classpath.

Please follow the directions on the m2eclipse web site on how to install and enable the plugin.

Detailed instructions on the use of current Eclipse (Helios 3.6) with current releases of CAS Server (3.4.2) can be found in an article on J2EE Development with Maven and Eclipse (http://) (currently held in the Yale CAS Wiki while it is under development) . Read through the child pages in order.

Eclipse Ganymede

Taken from a note by bernd.goetz@gmail.com on the CAS list
Just fyi: I'm using Eclipse 3.4 Ganymede with m2eclipse with CAS head/trunk. Almost everything worked out of the box, but one thing to remark: To get rid of a single dependency error, you need to activate the configuration item "Include Modules" (right click on the checked-out CAS project, select Properties, and then "Maven" on the left side and you find that check box.

m2eclipse and _svn metadata directory

I came across one issue with m2eclipse and CAS. I also have tortoise installed, and to workaround a problem with VisualStudio I modified the tortoise setting for the svn metadata directory to be _svn instead of the default .svn.
This made m2eclipse "Checkout Maven Projects from SCM" work very badly indeed. Going back to .svn resolved my problems.

Developing using IntelliJ

IntelliJ has built in support for loading a project based on the POM file. When opening a project, please choose the cas3 pom.xml as the file to open.