


Workflow considerations

Up until 3.10.2, these were the most common workflow solutions for public events administration.

  1. Have most people suggest events using the submissions client and have a small handful of event administrators publish them out of the Pending Queue

    Advantages:  Tight control of what gets into the calendar.
    Disadvantages:   The submissions client doesn't allow the submitter to set a recurrence pattern or attach an image; admins aren't notified when events are added to the queue; if the queue fills up fast, the admins may have trouble keeping up.

  2. Have most events entered directly by groups of events administrators (who share a single Calendar Suite)

    Advantages:  Events show up quickly; no bottleneck
    Disadvantages:  Looser control over what gets into the calendar; each team sees the same list of topical areas, even though some of the topical areas aren't appropriate

  3. Have most events entered directly by groups of events administrators using tailored Calendar Suites

    Advantages:  Events show up quickly; no bottleneck; each admin team gets tailored list of topical areas
    Disadvantages: Somewhat looser control over what gets into the calendar; maintaining all the calendar suites is more work.

Approver Feature

Starting in 3.10.2, some event administrators can be elevated to the role of approver and Bedework can be instructed to place events in a queue (rather than publishing them directly) until they are approved by an approver.  This provides some of the same advantages as number 1 above and does away with many of the disadvantages.   

Suggestion Feature

Also starting in 3.10.2, if you take the trouble to set up tailored Calendar Suites, as in number 3 above, you can enable the suggestion feature.   In this workflow, when an events administrator in one calendar suite creates an event, he or she can suggest that event to administrators belonging to other calendar suites.   Recipients of these suggestions will be able to see them in a Suggestion Queue, where they may accept or reject the suggestion.   When an event is accepted, it is tagged with a calendar-suite-defined category.


Bedework Enterprise Calendar Server, version 3.10