Suggestion Feature
If you'd like to enable the members of one calendar suite to suggest events to the members of another calendar suite, you can turn on the Suggestion Feature. This is done in the jmx-console.
- Log into the jmx-console
- Click on org.bedework.bwengine in the left-hand column
- Click on service=system in the center
- Look for the SuggestionEnabled Attribute Name and set it to True.
- Click on Apply Changes at the bottom of the first section.
- In the bottom section, look for saveConfig, and clink on Invoke on that line.
Also, visit the admin client and add a default category for that suite (Calendar Suite tab, Calendar Suite Preferences). For example, if you have a calendar suite named calsuite_Library, you'll want to add a default category such as Library. When a suggestion is approved, that category will be applied. When a suggestion is accepted, that category is applied, effectively "publishing" the event in that calendar suite.
Once the Suggestions feature is enabled, then a new section will appear at the bottom of the Add Event form for suggesting events to all the defined calendar suites. Also, a new tab called suggestions will appear in the admin client. Admins can visit that tab to process the suggestions, either accepting or rejecting suggested events.
Bedework Enterprise Calendar Server, version 3.10