When: 12pm Eastern
Duration: 1 hour
Friday September 7th
Dial in
Conference call generously hosted by Unicon, Inc..
Call in: (800) 981-8084 Guest code 8861483
Please update this page with your intent to participate if you plan to dial in.
Intended participants
- Location/time (Bill)
- Update on wiki content (Andrew)
- Paypal, fee (Bill)
- Schedule and promotion (Jonathan)
- The week of November 12th seems to be the date. Zeroing in on three locations in New Brunswick/Rutgers. Getting really close to having numbers. One of the locations is brand new and is coming up with a comprehensive package including hotel, conference rooms, book keeping. Bill is still working on the details.
- We will consider the date and location fixed: November 12-13/16 in New Brunswick. We will send out an announcement regarding the conference time/location and we will RSVP on meetup.
- Wiki presence
- There is a presence of this unconference on the Home
- You can list yourself as a possible attendee, along with your list of interests and expertise here. This can be viewed as complementary with the meetup RSVP, ensuring that they are linked.
- The Winter 2007 UnConference Activity Ideas page contains a list of possible topics and a rough schedule of available time slots.
- There is some view that this is too prescriptive or intimidating.
- Perhaps a list of topics of interest could be kept without tying those to a duration and type.
- We want to be careful to not have this viewed as topics presented by experts.
- Maybe we want to schedule bookend events to start things off and bring us back together.
- Some activities may require some degree of formal planning. For example, we may want to tell folks that we will have 2 hours of lightening talks of 10 minutes each.
- A uPortal Developers meeting may be a formal part of this.
- How much time, if any, should we set aside for development working days?
- Would Unicon training fit into this? It could provide some mutual benefit of getting folks in one location where they can take advantage of both. Unicon does not want to compete with the conference.
- In terms of target attendance, our max dev meeting was 25 so 40 seems like a reasonable target. If we varied the topics, we might get more. If training was collocated, maybe even more.
- In the end, what actually happens at the conference will largely be determined by who shows up.
- We want to allow for spontaneity but it would be nice to have some scheduled anchor activities.
- Maybe separate the list of topics on one page and a rough schedule on another page. The rough schedule would include a few anchor activities with a lot of open time for spontaneity.
- There is some desire to associate people with topics they are interested in and expert in.
Action Items
- Jonathan will send out a pre-announcement to the various lists, first putting a draft on the wiki
- Jonathan will update the text on Winter 2007 New Brunswick to reflect the current state
- Bill will update the meetup site to reflect the actual date/location and link to the wiki site.
- Andrew continue to work on the wiki pages.
- Jason work on a straw man meta schedule
- Andrew coordinate (encourage) lightening talks